A heavenly chorus announced the arrival of a portal. A foot stepped through the*AAAAAAAaaaaAAAAHHHH DOOOREEEMIII*-... *Ehem* ..A foot stepped through the-..*aaAAAAHHHHH AAAHHHHHH!! SAVVIIOOOUUUURR*-.. eugh! ..A.. foot.. stepped.. through the.. portal..? Sweet!.. A foot stepped through the- *AAAAAHHHHAAAAAHHHH!!! COME TO SAVEEEEE UUUUSSS!*-.. ..You know what? Fuck it. AmansteppedthroughtheportalrightnexttoArthurhelookedlikeadudewithblondehairandatotaldouchebagwhatthefuck. "Salutations, Mr. Greystoke. I have arrived to assist you, as agreed." Killstreak von Leetus said, mockingly, as if the very notion of asking for assistance had made Arthur a lesser man. He brushed off his forearms, and took a moment to take in his surroundings. There was a faint fog, and the smell of vaporized water. His white royal uniform with golden lining and red belt was glistening in the ample light provided by sun stretching over the nearby hilltop. Everything felt different.. -he- felt different. First of all, his stats had changed. There was no health bar, no dice modifier, no nothing. Instead, there was a list of his capabilities, a 'tier' (Whatever that was, he assumed it was some sort of moronic level system, which by he was held at the number 5. How high could it go? Was there a limit?) - He took a deep breath. The air was no different from his own world, but seemed to hold a peculiar smell of.. moisture. The remnants of snow hiding away between pools of newly formed water told the story all too well of what had taken place mere moments before his arrival. A peak over at Arthur's wounds and torn up clothing confirmed it. Someone had been flaming, but without a single baiter in sight. Odd. None of the other people present seemed to hold any such power, and if they did, they were doing a hell of a job of hiding it. Regardless, they didn't seem like much of a challenge. Killstreak could.. sense it, somehow. These people, with the exception of Arthur Greystoke, were inferior. He turned to address them, and spoke with vanity fueling his every word. "Lol, n00bz trying 2 gank?", before turning back to Arthur, who seemed somewhat distracted. "Cakewalk. Gief call when rekt noobz plx!" He walked off. "We have things to discuss, you and I."