Yelgir grinned a little at the unexpected response to his joke attempt. "I'm not sure I can help you memorize it, but I can get you a map from the ship's archives. As to being busy, I was just killing time." He glanced at the frequencer and winced at his unexpected pun. On second thought, maybe he should leave the joke books alone. Too much humor could corrupt his system. "Follow me, there's a user terminal just around the corner." Yelgir led the way out of the training room, and let the hatch slide shut with a hiss. There was always something comforting about the subtle sounds of machinery. It was a reminder that the daily sounds stay no matter the circumstances the rest of the world is in. When they reached the terminal, Yelgir unlocked a small cupboard near the base and pulled out a portable display. Approximately 6" square, and a few millimeters thick, the display's clear plastic faces showed information that could be stored in its memory. After downloading a map of the ship onto the display, along with a schedule of meals, meetings, and drills, Yelgir handed it to Sheila. "This should help you find your way around."