"He must be a very powerful mage if he can summon mythical beasts." Aldred said, then moved away towards the door, he placed a hand against it, then tapped it three times with his armored hand. The metal banging in reply. He could feel the forcefield on it, though it could not be seen, he had dealt with similar scenarios in his past as a Vanguard, but never one as strong as this. "The door will be a piece of cake to pop open once the forcefield is down. But, that's the issue, it may take a while in order to knock out the forcefield, so we may need to set up camp nearby while working on it. Thankfully, Dax doesn't seem to be going anywhere." He said, coming back towards the group, the arrow still jotting out of his leg which he seemed to notice as he winced in pain, moving his hand down towards where the arrow was, noticing blood on his hand after touching the wound. The adrenaline from battle had worn off, and he now felt the familiar pain of getting shot by an arrow, thankfully they had a healer who could aid him with the problem. "Emilia, my dear, if you would please, I hate arrows. This brings back unfunny memories." Aldred said, a smirk appearing on his face.