[center][i][img]http://oi58.tinypic.com/2cehshh.jpg[/img][/i][/center] [center][i]~"A boy once asked me why I fight. I could have filled his head with stories and philosophical excuses for the reasons why. But when I looked at him, I smiled and responded; "Because I can"~[/i][/center] Alicia followed the captain into the shop, "I think I'll join you. After all I'll be needing a sword or two for myself if I plan to hold true to my promises" she said before she'd move into the shop behind Runali. The place presented itself in the same way that you usually see on most islands; the expensive swords held behind the counter and locked in cabinets while the cheaper ones stood together in barrels of varying grades and it was those swords that Alicia was more interested in. Sure she could probably afford one of the more expensive and exotic swords but to wield something such as that after the previous happenings would leave an undesired taste in her mouth. No, she needed training swords, swords which would break and strain under consistent use and only once she learned all that she needed would she allow herself to wield something more. Alicia checked for a few swords, taking them out and partly revealing the blade from it's Saya to check it's condition. Eventually she pulled two from the barrel, taking them over to the counter before purchasing them with the money she'd earned from her tournament win on Utsukushī. She still had allot left over considering the price of the swords, but she'd save that for a time for when they'd need money for something important. It was strange to think of the journey which lay ahead of her and the thought of spending so much time as apart of a pirate crew. But this was her path now, the one she must walk in order to reach her new goal and continue on to become like the other great masters, and become legend. When she reached the ship she hesitated for a moment, the feeling of leaving her families history behind weighing heavily on her mind. She exhaled deeply, taking another step before noticing Nolan who asked how she was, "I'm... better" she replied before giving a smile, "Thank you" she said before turning to take a look back at the island. The two swords she'd bought now were tied next to the Saya of her destroyed sword which she'd decided to keep there, at least for now. Alicia watched the island for a little longer, her hair gently carried by the soft breeze before she turned as Runali gave the order to set off. Without a word she began to secure the ropes and help prepare the ship for sale, noticing Runali wasn't wearing her hat after securing the first rope. She gave a small smile to the captain before carrying on, "I'll take the watch for tonight" she'd announce while working. She didn't give her reasons for why or for what her reasoning was, but while the crew were asleep it would be nice to have the space, peace and quiet to begin her new training. It'd take her a long time to achieve that which she desired, but the journey towards the power of destruction was not something which could be taken lightly or achieved with speed or ease. No, the road ahead would be filled with more pain, suffering and tests of the body and mind before she could begin to comprehend the strength of will it took to wield such strength. But she'd get there, even if she has to break herself a second time.