[quote=Supremacy Kills] Celene and I are good to start again. My apologies. We were both inactive because of me. I am finishing my post now. [/quote] Good to have you back! Let me know if you need any help! [quote=BingTheWing] So, uh, are you guys starting from where you left off? If so, could you give me a brief summary of what's happened? [/quote] Continuation. No worries, I'll try to be brief. Page 1: [Hider=Summary]-- Characters introduced, with Lamont staying at Marceilles for the night, Phillip up pondering, Evelyn, Lucius, Damien, Kester and Mirabelle in attendance of a royal feast in the palace of Arthroyeaux, and Tikki is exploring whilst Gram is resting upon an altar. -- The Baron Phillip Agravaine is conversing with his advisor about possibility of open rebellion against the new regime. -- Damien introduces his direct aides Lucius and Evelyn to each other, who before then were under the pretense of Blackmailer and Blackmailee beforehand. -- The three begin to plot after formalities are out of the way. -- Mirabelle is the newest addition to the court, and is the resident bard. -- Soon after Mirabelle is finished and heads off to bed, Lucius also departs to cut her off in the castle and try to become more acquainted with her. -- Evelyn becomes occupied with helping Kester avoid making a fool of himself in front of the king. -- Tikki discovers Gram, and takes up the sword at its behest, as well as discovering treasure. -- Tikki is then picked up by her close relatives, who decide to take her back to the Netixel Tribal home. -- Damien charges Evelyn with the task of organizing a heist that will rob Baron Agravaine of his wealth and force him into an awkward position with his people.[/Hider] Page 2: [Hider=Summary]-- Phillip decides to retire to his bedchamber. -- Lucius continues to converse with Mirabelle, studying her closely with hawk-like eyes to understand the mysterious newcomer. -- Mirabelle says her good nights instead, and heads straight to her bedchamber. -- Mirabelle hesitates on heading to bed, and then instead decides to take out the garments of her old life as a Nightingale. -- Evelyn departs to return to her own chambers, and awaits Lucius to discuss their plans. -- The two meet not long after, and sit down over a glass of wine accompanied with some small chat. -- It is revealed that Phillip's own advisor, Ruvelle, is an insider within Phillip's court, and as such is an advantage in the heist. -- Lucius helps bring the facts of his own intelligence and knowledge to Evelyn for her to use, such as Sally Ports and Bribery possibilities. -- In return, Evelyn summarizes her choices for a team of thieves for the job, an Elven Vampire, a Bretonian Illusionist, and any recruit that Lucius offers. -- Lucius offers one of his own personal apprentices, Devlin Mallory, and also answers Evelyn's queries on Mirabelle Valois. -- Lucius surmizes that Mirabelle is more than certainly a maiden with ties to professional rogue training. -- Evelyn concludes the meeting and farewells Lucius, before thinking about meeting with Kester in the morning. She then retires to bed. -- Mirabelle sneaks around Damien's royal bedchambers, and finds a note entailing to a secret meeting in the library. -- Damien concludes the feast with a toast and then heads straight to the library. -- Tikki is tired of Gram repeatedly chanting kill into her mind, and then turns aside to lecture the sword. -- Mirabelle watches in the library from above as Damien enters. -- Damien walks to the table and discovers a note that informs him of Mirabelle's presence. He then calls the guards. -- Opting to not being discovered, Mirabelle flees the library and makes her way swiftly and inconspiciously back to her bedchambers. [/Hider] Page 3: [Hider=Summary]-- Upon not discovering Mirabelle at all, the guards report to a disappointed Damien, who orders for the guards to continue searching into the early hours of the morning. -- Tikki has become possessed by Gram, killing her father unintentionally and then beginning to slaughter anyone else who goes against her. -- Phillip is troubled by yet another nightmare of his son, Anton Agravaine, and awakes short of breath once more. -- The night passes, the storm departing and the guards given up on their search in the early hours of the morning. -- Damien stands by the window, pondering before heading off to begin the day. -- Flicks-His-Tail awakes beside his Orc lover, and briefly robs his client before returning to bed for a moment. -- Lamont is rehearsing his meeting with the Baron Agravaine, trying to find a proper approach for his claim to the throne. -- Evelyn awakes early, bothered by the events of late last night. She bathes briefly before preparing for her meeting with Kester, summoning for breakfast. -- (ENDS HERE)[/HIDER] Here is a list of most of the characters and a synopsis of their stories: (Excluding Kester, Devlin and Flicks-His-Tail) [Hider=Characters]Character List Lamont DuFairre, The Lost Prince (Andre Valias) A mere peasant boy who believes firmly in his claim to the throne that was usurped by Damien DuRant, Lamont will seek out anybody who accepts his claims and believes in the DuFairre Rapier that he wields with a swift and just hand. Damien DuRant, The False King (Andre Valias) Once the Baron of the city of Ruvare, Damien ascended to the throne when he was regent, after King Vertreaux’s death, and he was ultimately crowned king upon the sorrowful suicide of Prince Arsene. He now rules Ravenfell with an iron fist and extortionate taxes. Phillip Agravaine, The Lance Commander (Supremacy Kills) Baron of the city of Marceilles since the rule of King Vertreaux, Phillip is well respected by many nobles and chevaliers, as he once lead the king’s personal elites, the Chevalier Bannerets, to victory during the Raven Crown War. He is now in strong opposition of DuRant’s rule and ridiculous taxes. Mirabelle Valois, The Lone Nightingale (Supremacy Kills) Once a part of the secretive Nightingale Order, Mirabelle took up her current alias and infiltrated the Royal Court of Arthroyeaux. She hopes to find out the truth behind her lover, the Prince Arsene’s death, and uncover the corruption that empowers Damien DuRant’s rule. Evelyn Keove, The King’s Left Hand (Estelwyn) The King’s court mage who is as lovely as she is magically deadly, Evelyn puts up the hood of a rogue when she is away from the publicity of court. She is the King’s Left Hand, and head of the Thieves Guild presence in Ravenfell. She enjoys the thrill and deception there is to be found in politics. Lucius Garthois, The King’s Right Hand (Andre Valias) The King’s confidant and Baron of the city of Greymont, Lucius is a man of great intelligence and omniscience, serving Damien as the man behind the scenes. Secretly, he leads the Nightblade Order, training the Kingdom’s most formidable force of Assassins, all at Damien’s command. Surtr ‘Gram’ Nothung, The Bloodthirsty Sword (Sarpedon) An ancient relic from a time two hundred years before the present, Surtr Nothung was forged by a secret cabal of master blacksmiths, and gifted to an Emperor who defeated an alliance of Elves in a war of pure carnage. Until now, he had rested upon a hidden stone altar, when Tikki discovered him. Tikki Siagathar, The Curious Crowgirl (Xiga) A Netixel like no other who was more curious than secretive like her people were, Tikki dreams of understanding how the Humes live in their stone cities, and often she goes on adventures. It was when her path crossed with the bloodthirsty sword Surtr Nothung that her life changed dramatically. [/hider]