[center][img=http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h250/King_of_kai/Radith.jpg] "A nightmare is nothing but the darkness in your soul speaking to you. Do not cower. Just listen..." Name - Azazel Blackwood Age - 28 Appearance - Height: 6'2. Weight: 190 lbs. Hair color: Black. Eye color: Amber. Bio - London, 1780. In the raging chaos of a riot that roiled through a high class catholic neighborhood, a newly born infant was taken from his cradle and stolen away. Blood was spilled before burning churches and broken homes and many died before the riot finally came to an end. In the days that followed, the Blackwood family desperately searched for their missing child, using their fair amount of wealth to hire eyes and ears. On the third day of the search, just when hope had faded, the young child was found. However what they found upon the infants recovery caused distress among the family. For when they found the child, he laid silently content, covered in blood on top of a stone pedestal. Beneath him, adorning strange ritualistic clothing, were the corpses of seven men, all having apparently taken their own lives with daggers made of bone and metal. With no witnesses or survivors accept for the baby, there was nobody to explain what had happened. However those involved all felt it was an unholy event. Many years passed and the child was raised normally, despite the disturbing nature of what had happened. His parents decided on the name Azazel, after his great grandfather, who was brother to the first head of the family, as well as the only other known ancestor to have amber eyes. Raised by many, taught by scholars, and trained by nobles, Azazel spent his youth being molded into a proper gentleman and a potential leader for the house of Blackwood. All up until the day the darkness within him awoke. For on the night of his sixteenth birthday, something was born from the shadow that followed young Azazel. Something that lashed out in his dreams and ripped its way from his mind into reality, bringing the walls of his bedroom down in a shattering explosion of dark force. With each day that followed, Azazel found himself experiencing more manifestations of this strange force, watching as the shadows of the trees and buildings bent and shook to his will. It bewildered him. But what he saw as a mystery, others saw as evil. As it was, a handful of rumors circled between the older of the families that the child was tainted with the soul of a demon by those that took him. These rumors stayed few and far between until Azazel was spotted with the dark silhouette of a shadow dancing at his fingertips. Before long, word spread, and Azazel ended up on the run. His family turned their back on him and his community hunted him. In order to survive, Azazel embraced his powers, and concealed himself, keeping to the shadows and living off stolen goods. In adulthood, Azazel returned to his estate. Though he had been gone, he was not forgotten, and most certainly not welcomed. However those that had cast him out a time ago quickly fell before the horrific darkness that had been honed and strengthened over the years. By the time he was done, having visited those that wronged him, the only Blackwood to remain was himself. The wealth of the house became his inheritance and the property became closed off. For the next few years leading to today, he lived on the vast estate as a hermit, keeping to himself. In his solitude, the public has called him many things. Murderer, demon, devil, vampire, monster. A few unfortunate souls have even sought him out for whatever means, be they to slay him or capture him. All met the same fate. The day Azazel found himself in this strange dimension, looking out onto the twisted landscape and hellish creatures, he felt no different. Having seen the evils of humanity throughout his growing up, it was easy to feel right at home. Weapons - A jeweled rapier with a silver and gold imbued hilt and blessed runes down the edge of the blades. The sword was an heirloom mounted on the wall in one of the Blackwood estates many rooms, until the day Azazel removed it from it's perch for the reunion with his family. Power - Manipulation of darkness. Azazel can empower any shadow and bend it to his will, allowing him to meld it into solid objects, weapons, or familiars. He can even travel through the dark as if it was like a tunnel, moving from one shadow to another. The amount strength of this power wanes in the light and grows in its absence. Equipment - There was no known warning when coming to this place. Thus the only thing Azazel has on hand is a small porcelain plate and teacup. He would love to find some tea to use it with in this strange place. Vices - A cigar or glass of scotch are a couple vices Azazel will help himself to on occasion. Azazel has yet to discover his fear. It used to be of dieing. But that has long passed. Not much scares a man with a lack of things to live for accept for the idea of survival itself. [/center]