Just a question, how did your character managed to manifest an energy ball twice as powerful as the last one given a fraction of the time? My understanding of events are The Weeper and Mikael are similarly displaced by the close proximity energy ball erupting to prevent the sword strike, both fall to their feet and regained their composure within pretty similar spaces of time (Weeper is a similarly agile opponent to Mikael in terms of dexterity.) This would then leave Mikael the time it took said same fast character to pull a pistol from his cloak and fire three shots to make his energy ball, which to my understanding would be similar (if shorter) a space of time than The Weeper's dash forward in interruption last time. I'm just curious, because if your character can essentially create a near impenetrable defence to my character in that fraction of time then there isn't going to be much of a fight, it's already proven effective at stopping the sword, and now bullets.