I hate double-posting That aside, a bit of a status update from your GM. I won't be able to actively post in the IC here any longer; I've got too many other RPs that I also don't post in running alongside making a full-on RPG of my own (skipper can confirm) that I'm finally excited for again after months of development hiatus (I've even started writing music again). And forgive me if I sound like I'm bashing this RP at all (because honestly, this RP kicks ass, and I hope it continues to do so), but if I had to pick between my RPG and this, the RPG wins by a landslide. So, as a result, I won't be active in the IC until further notice, beyond posting once in a while to move the story in the direction of the plot, or for some divine intervention stuff. However, that [i]does not[/i] mean I'm closing this RP. Quite the contrary. Rather, what I aim to do right now is expand on the RP's management by appointing one or two people here as co-GMs, as well as bringing a couple more players (Krein, now's your time) to fill in the shoes of Xi and Kim until the tournament ends, after which point we'll toss them and Aislin into Plot-Hole-Land. I already believe that I could make ideal co-GMs from among the three of you who are currently on the roster, but I won't force anyone to take a position they don't want. Before anyone volunteers, I'd also like to explain the things I'd like/expect from a co-GM. ~ Will know which direction I plan to move the plot; I'll keep you updated on that as we move along. ~ Able to competently craft, accept, or decline a character. ~ Not the sort to quit on an RP. ~ Takes the part of my voice IC when I can't post/the situation isn't major enough for me to step in. If you think you're willing and able to do all four of those things, odds are the job's yours. Two co-GMs would be ideal, but just one should definitely suffice. I'd rather not have this RP die just because I'm finally getting back into game development, so this is my answer to that potential death scenario.