[quote=Ichthys] So then, since the wolves do not flinch when struck, meaning they are not completley controlled by the caster, what is the process to control an illusion? Are the orders for the illusion preordained, upon conception? Or is an illusion dynamic, as in it acts as the proper thing that it actually is?On another note, are illusions completely a deception of the senses, or can they, to some degree, have physical properties? In other words, are all illusions completely intangible, unable to be interacted in all circumstances?And finally, on a somewhat related note, considering the illusions' natures are in the belief of the victim, are the illusion's subjective, meaning they are different for each person (some see it, some don't, depending on the belief of the person)? Or are they objective (everyone sees the illusory wolf, and the ones that don't believe the lie just /know/ it's illusory)?I hope you don't find the questions to be too much. I just need clarification, because, honestly, I love the idea. In fact, one of my first ever RP characters worked with illusions (a form of magic I thoroughly enjoy), and I know firsthand how powerful (and sometimes extremely irritating and obscure, when opposed or questioned) such an ability can be. These clarifications are necessary to keep any problems at bay, in the future. Sorry though, for how prodding it seems I am. [/quote] The rough idea is this, Tanis casts an illusion and sets the general idea of it - like say a large wolf is attacking. She creates the wolf, and sets where it appears from, but the actual details of the attack are filled in by the target, like say, if they throw an arm up in panic, the wolf would obviously bite that part because, that's what people usually expect to happen. How dynamic the illusion is boils down to a matter of circumstance - a wolf will behave like a wolf, a sword like a sword, unless Tanis creates a specific illusions that contradicts the usual behaviour of said object, like if she wanted an arrow that doesn't fly straight, she could make one. As for how tangible they are, at this point unless Tanis is disguising something physical under an illusion then, no, they don't. This might be a possible upgrade, so to speak, later on, or it'll take some serious power to make a tangible illusion. Even then, I imagine anything Tanis would be able to make would be at most the size of a human being. Finally, the illusions are objective. Anyone who is the intended target of the illusion sees it.