Thomas contently sat back and watched as the one called Mason made his way to the bars basement to meet up with the other heroic knights of songbird. This was all very exciting still for Thomas but it got bumped up a notch when the portal let loose and the carnage began as the knights were at first stunned but then leapt into action fighting off the guards from the portal. This was all very exciting but when the girl leapt into the portal and appeared on the other side Thomas saw this as a good time to reveal himself as he wanted to go through and he didn't know if the person he was inhabiting wanted to do so. He leapt from the one named Mason and towards the portal "don't shoot I'm friendly!" Thomas yelled as he leapt from the body and through the portal. He rolled on the cold concrete floor as he landed and tried to get his bearings in the dark, cold place he was in.