Isabella could hardly keep a grip on her egg as it began to rattle and shake. She couldn't believe this was all happening. The voices of the dragon spirits continued to speak over them, but Isa couldn't only keep her eyes on her egg. Instead of shattering like a few of her friend's eggs did, her dragon's egg seemed to melt almost. The shell becoming a pile of mush around the small dragon. His blue eyes looked up at her as his back hunched, he was quite frightened but stood his ground. It was amazing how fast the frail little dragon began to grow, his scales practically blending into the foliage that surrounded them. Isabella's mouth gaped in both horror and excitement. This was not a dream. Once again the group along with their dragons were brought to their knees and told their fates. Isa glanced at the axe she had left on the ground behind her, it didn't seem like much had changed about it; but so far the spirits had not lied. Or at least that is what the group could assume. [i]"I can't believe this."[/i] Isabella spoke aloud, barely louder than a whisper. Her dragon continued to stare at her, his glowing blue eyes filled with fear and curiosity. Panic consumed both the spirits and the teenagers as one of the skulls were shattered by this great unknown beast. The dust blew into their faces as a final insult to the cut in the achilles ankle they all were experiencing. "Told you. Not a dream" Alex muttered Isabella turned to him and yelled, [i]"Shut up! This is all a big messed up situation and all you can do is say I told you so?"[/i] Isa wasn't one to let the small things go, and needed to be outspoken about her beliefs. She stood up wiping the dust off her jeans, her hands then fled to her hips as she meant to comment once more. [i]"I-"[/i] she started, before a small wail came from her dragon. It appeared as though he was actually whimpering. [i]"What the heck?"[/i] Isa turned looking at her dragon. He was almost pitiful she first assumed, but quickly felt sympathetic for the creature. He didn't like yelling it seemed. Her scowl slowly turned into a pout as she put her hand on the snout of the dragon, he flinched but allowed her touch, as she pet it, comforting the kind soul.