Alyn giggled as Jude, Teo, and R went through their troubles fixing the door. She wondered how she ended up in such a guild as this one. Just a small cottage in the forest wasn't very pretty to the outside eye, but it was a home to her. She looked back at Amn with a sad look on her face, I mean, she was on a roll talking to people today. She almost wished she didn't have to go to the tournament with Majikku and leave Amn here with his cat. "Are you sure you don't want to come?" That was all Alyn had managed to say. She wanted to say more, as to invite him to find a spot on her team but she didn't have the courage to. She slowly started her walk towards the carriage after rolling up the mat and placing it neatly against the wall. She smiled at her tidy little spot. She liked the little corner she basically lived in. Some days she even slept on her mat, but for now, she would have to go some place new. It would be a whole new experience, which didn't entirely appeal to her. She liked her basic and typical life of playing with her bird friends in her corner. With that, she looked up at the carriage, glancing back inside one last time before looking towards the others, already inside.