[quote=Robeatics] Why would you even use that photo as an argument if you personally see nothing wrong with it? Since when does some photo you pulled up through Google reflect the habits and downfalls of an entire movement? And I did point out issues with feminism, and said how the truscum and non-intersectional feminists are damaging the movement.What I think of MRAs is that some members genuinely care about gender equality (a view I am beginning to think you lack) and other members, be they vastly misguided or malicious, are in fact only harming men women, just as the feminists who ignore non-women are hurting both men and women.What did you even post this thread for? If it's to gather up some MRAs, hey, you found a few. But you have to expect feminists to show up as well, similar as some of our goals may be. If your idea of being an MRA is to simply debunk feminism and claim women and men do not suffer in their own ways under the patriarchy, then I don't even know why you claim to be fighting for anyone's rights.Slinging around slurs and rude phrases also does not help your credibility. [/quote] all i asked was to see if anyone was one, so if you would please just get out of here since it is my thread and I am looking for people. also if you think I'm just a member of the patriarchy then fuck you and your bullshit, it doesn't exist.