The Mojave Wasteland is an okay place to live. It doesn't have as many problems as most places do, what with it being relatively radiation-free with lots of creature comforts. There's a bit of a gambling problem, but that's fine. Stimulates the economy, hey? And then there's Mr. House, a businessman with a lucky streak, who's got the Lucky 38 casino under his thumb, along with New Vegas, a city with lights shining bright like the blue moonlight, thanks to the power from the Hoover Dam. Well, Caesar's Legion is a bit annoying, what with their rampant slavery and near-insane following of what they know of ancient Rome; and the extremely persistent New California Republic, while not nearly so bad as the Legion, clearly intends to make the technologically gifted New Vegas part of their nation, whether through political means or forceful annexation. That's all somebody else's problem, anyway. You? Well, you're here for... Well, that's really only something you need to know. Maybe you're just a prospector looking to get by in this world. Maybe your part of Caesar's Legion, aiming take the Mojave for your glorious king. Or your the NCR, trying to bring back order from the old world. Perhaps your part of the Brotherhood of Steel, eking out an existence the only way your doctrine would allow. The Mojave is home to many strange and unique individuals. So, who are you? Rules: Come on, this is a 1x1. You shouldn't need me to explain. Let's just keep it clean (For an RP based on an M Rated game anyways) and keep it fun. You can skip this part and move onto the CS. Name: You know, whatever. Image: I'm good for pretty much anything. Pictures, drawings, descriptions, whateva. Your Past: Where you'd put your things about your character's history or personality. If you'd rather keep it a secret or just make it up on the way, you can get rid of this. I'll put something here just so I have a point of reference of who my character is. SPECIAL: Your stat spread so we can get an idea of what your character's ability is like. You have 45 (Default five for each skill with ten left over) to spread for each skill, with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10. Skills: Your character's unique abilities. Chose five. While it can be assumed that you're also decent with other skills, these are the ones that really stand out. Inventory: What you have in the beginning. It doesn't have to only be what you can get from the game, but imagine that this is hardcore mode but harder: Ammo takes up space and has weight, and you're expected to haul this around with you everywhere. You might be able to carry 50lbs of 9mm bullets, but do you have the boxes and magazines for all of them? Logical things. Your default carry weight will be 50 with 5 strength, and 100 with 10 strength. Not everything will be as awkwardly weighed as in game.