Radiant sparks sputtered into the darkness as a brilliant light streaked through the sky. Rumbling energy exploded in a flash as the light collided with the ground. As the dust settled, the silhouette of a mans sprawled across the ground became visible. Cautiousness slowly began to return to the man, his eyes fluttering open and peering up into the strangely ominous night sky. A soreness riddled Azazel's body, a pained grunt escaping him as he pulled himself up onto his knee. Shaking his head and rubbing his face, Azazel tried to clear the fog from his mind. A few incomplete memories came to him like short clips. The vision of himself sitting in a study within his estate came to mind. Reading some literature on the age of enlightenment with a cup of tea resting at his side. The same teacup that now laid empty on the ground next to it's saucer. The only other memories in his head are of blinding light and infernal shrieking. Azazel reached down and picked up the porcelain cup and plate, placing them into a pocket inside his overcoat as he stumbled to his feet. Before he could recover any more of his memories, the eerie howls and distant roars of mysterious and horrible creatures blew through the forest. The bellowing sounds shook Azazel to attention. His eyes darted across the dark scenery as he began to contemplate where he was and how he had gotten here. More importantly, he couldn't help but wonder if he was not alone in this mysterious place. No matter which way he turned, he felt as if eyes watched him from every angle. Unsure of what direction to go, Azazel knew staying in one place wouldn't be very helpful to finding salvation if there was any. He had to get moving if he wanted to find any answers so he picked a direction and began cautiously and calmly walking across the field, making his way toward the tree line. The best bet would be finding a tree to climb or a hill to scale so he could get a better view of where he was.