[center]Donny Kain / Arms Slave[/center] [b]"Who are we!?"[/b] "THE NECESSARY EVIL!" [B]"Why are we necessary?"[/B] "TO PURGE THE WORLD OF EVIL WORSE THAN MAN!" [B]"And why are we God's chosen few, ordained to undertake this unholy task?"[/B] "BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WILL!" Arms Slave stood on top of his war machine, formerly a humble armored truck, now a weaponized engine of destruction. Weighing a little over 3 tons, with enough guns to demolish an entire city and splitting at the gills with blades and other point defenses for anyone foolish enough to try to engage the vehicle in melee. And than there was Arms Slave himself. Though he was only level five, he had reaped the rewards of his station and had a fully stocked armory for his personal use. His biggest accomplishment was also the one that brought him the most infamy; looting the vault of the White King shortly after news of her death, and stealing everything that he could fit onto his truck and the various trips he made. Sufficient to say, he was something of a public enemy when any of the Ivory Masks saw him. Suited him just fine though; they wanted a fight and he was looking for one. Behind Arms Slave was his posses, the Mayhem Riders. A group made up of Sweepers, Outlaws, Newbs, Trolls, and just about anyone else who wants nothing more than to curb stomp anyone dumb enough to get in their way. Normally the people that Arms Slave would have been hunting down as a Sweeper, but he's been off that job for a month, and wants to indulge in the rampant slaughter. They too had their own, somewhat less impressive vehicles to storm the battlefields of Deep Ground. Their mission wasn't really to conquer; sure they could stomp any opposition they faced, but they were too interested in finding the next battle to hold any territory they took over. They'd simply move in, destroy everything, and than find the next target while they still had ammo. Their path of destruction took them anywhere, and the only time they actually fought to hold a position is when ordered by Moon Rider herself. Or Dark Wraith. Arms Slave disliked Dark Wraith, but mostly because of the grudge he had against her when she stole his kill on Corpse Collector. She's been more or less the brains of the their operation ever since the Ebon Stykers opened up to membership, and the fact that they are in power right now proved that she was somewhat competent. Still, Arms Slave didn't trust her very much. Granted, he didn't trust anyone very much. But with Dark Wraith, Arms Slave always had this sneaking feeling that she was actively planning on killing him, rather than others like Moon Rider, who Arms Slave just figured didn't care about any of them. As his Mayhem Riders started up their engines, Arms Slave stood at the very top of his war machine and laughed out loud. [b]"AHAHAHAHA! AND CAUSE IT'S FUCKIN FUN! [URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OguABRVsEI]WHEN WE RIDE ON OUR ENEMIES![/URL]"[/B] The army of armored fighting vehicles charged out from the Black City, a storm of metal and fire that desired toe death cries of others. Arms Slave was in the lead, behind the wheel of his massive war machine, crushing other lesser beings underneath his metallic treads. They set their sights on a weak guild: The Fanged Rangers. [center]Retsu Goroshi / Dark Wraith[/center] Retsu wasn't in Deep Ground. She wasn't needed, not yet, and she had people who could handle the day-to-day activities such as war parties or training newbies. No, Retsu had some deals to handle in real life. Sweeper business. Sufficient to say, not all of them, or at least notable Sweepers and some Erasers, liked the idea of working with the Black Guild, despite Retsu informing them before today's announcement. They didn't meet in person of course, and certainly not directly. Retsu spoke through them through a private e-mail channel all in her complicated code, cypher, and translators. It was hard to do that in Deep Ground since she needs her full attention to making sure she writes her message clearly for others to understand. But not only that, but Retsu had to meet with the Black King's representative. Or as Retsu thinks of her, the Black King's physical avatar. Yoshino didn't get far from the auditorium before Retsu intercepted her. The red haired girl made sure that no one was around but the two of them. [b]"Tsugumi-san, may I have a word with you about today's speech about the Black King?"[/b] Of course, that's not Retsu real intention. Yoshino would know that Retsu simply wishes to know what she would want Dark Wraith to do when she logs in later today, since so far Dark Wraith hasn't done much in terms of overall goals for the Ebon Stykers, and spent most of her time doling out orders, overseeing battles, and maybe grinding some levels. Things that others might consider "Fun", but to Retsu it was just filler for bigger, more important things. [b]"Let's head to your office."[/b]