Armond listened to both Veragwen and Mara's questions, nodding a little as he understood the point they were making, it might be more difficult to get them all to willingly help stop whatever this threat was. "You're both right, there's always a chance they won't help, it's even possible they might actually go help Blitz. Who can know for sure? If we find these gems and their owners, I'm not going to try and force them to do what I want them to. Hell, with the power they'd have, I'd be in no position to make any sort of demands of them. At most, I'd inform them of the situation and let them do what they felt was the right thing. I mean, I've said it before, but would someone really want to help an accused murderer? Let alone, would a Dragoon do it? I don't think they would, to be perfectly honest." he admitted to them. He sighed, looking around again, "This is starting to get depressing again, I'd like to change the subject to a more cheerful one, though still in the relevance of those gems. Now, I know most of you dislike me, some of you may even hate my guts. I understand and accept that. But now that you know the severity of the situation, I have something to request of all of you..." he paused, standing. Taking a step forward, he slowly got to his knees, shaking his head as he heard movement. "Stand fast, Samael, I do not care if these become covered in grime and dirt. It means nothing to me anymore." he told him. He continued what he was doing, lowering his hands to the ground, followed by his head, "I beg you, help me search for the Dragoons. I have no one else to turn to, and nobody who'll listen." he begged them, knowing how humiliating it was for a noble to be seen in a position such as this.