[B]"Rely?"[/B] Abel questioned, breaking the silence of the room. [B]"Don't know. But I'll try."[/B] he then paused briefly. [B]"I'm not one for big introductions, but now looks like a good time. My name is Abel Fulgurate. I come from the edge of the kingdom, where I served as a guard along the walls as my family has done for generations. I learned how to fight at a little place called Pallisade, but I've never done more than protect mankind when the Grimm comes calling. I'm hear to learn how to hunt them down and destroy them, so I can live in peace."[/B] As he finished his introduction, he uncrossed his arms and leaned against a cabinet. Bringing his hand up to awkwardly scratch at his head and ears, he gave a nervous smile. [B]"Ah, well nice to meet you Abel Fulgurate. That's a pretty noble cause for becoming a Hunter. Myself, though I don't quite remember where I was raised, I'm here to help restore relations between Humans and Faunus. To become a great Faunus Hunter and set the example for other Faunus. To help establish a better world for the future generations against a more relevant and imposing threat. The Grimm, of course. Ha ha.."[/B] his face flushed red as he explained his reasoning for becoming a Hunter. Looking at the ditch of his elbow, he saw that he was still connected to the medical equipment. Shrugging, he honestly felt fine now. Though with obvious mental/psychological damage, his Aura had repaired and healed his physical body rather quickly. Ripping off the IV and heart rate monitor, he threw the sheets off of his lower body and swung his legs over the side. The heart rate monitor annoyingly screeched at him, flatlining. Irritated, he quickly turned off the machine. Standing for a few seconds, he made sure that his body was strong enough to support movement. Smiling in satisfaction, he walked over to his folded clothes and began to undress. Pulling the hospital pajamas off, he completely disregarded the fact that Bridget may see him. He still had his boxers on, he had no shame. Tossing the pajamas on the hospital bed, he unfolded his clothes and pulled them on. Within a few minutes, he was fully dressed. Boots tied, gloves pulled on, and his hooded cowl/shawl over his shoulders. Looking himself over, he turned to Abel and gave him a smile. [B]"So, since we're now officially part of a team. Shall we go fetch that other Faunus...uhh..."[/B] he looked at the ground as he searched his memory for a name. He failed. Shaking his head, he continued [B]"I forget his name. Whatever. Shall we go fetch him and see about our room? We were given a room now, right?"[/B] Grinning, he grabbed his weapons and slung them on his back. Looking himself over for a second time, he realized that whoever folded his clothes for him also washed them. [B]"Gotta grab my things and start unpacking. Can't wait to get settled and start exploring the Academy and city!.."[/B] He placed his hands on his hips, excited to get started with his schooling and training.