Richard Ryner Richard was running at full speed down the hallways frantically trying to remember where the auditorium is. He had no idea how it happened but his alarm didn't go off that morning, no matter how advanced technology has gotten there was always the human error of somehow literately sleeping through an alarm. By the time he got to the auditorium it was already empty, save maybe for a few students still hanging around. Richard least to say was disappointment, the announcement should have been pretty interesting, partly since he heard it had to do with the kings' deaths. He walked up to one of the remaining people left in the room, Richard had no idea who he was for all he knew the guy was just some background character. Richard wanted to know what happened so he asked, "Hey there, so uh kinda missed the news, could you maybe tell me what happened?" The other guy just looked at Richard as if he lives under a rock, which made sense since he did miss some of what could have been earth shattering news. "The Black King declared war on everyone else, I mean the Ebony Strikers have even allied with the Sweepers. Don't know about you but that's some pretty bad news." With a shake of his head the guy pushed past Richard. Well earth shattering was right, he didn't expect everything to escalate this quickly where full out war was declared. Maybe more then ever it was important to find a guild, Richard had a feeling that even solo players were going to be affected by all this. He had no reason to stay in the auditorium, seems the trip was wasted effort, with a sigh Richard decided to go home. He opened the door into his room, as usual he didn't have anything planned so a quick jump into DGO seemed nice. Enduring Survivor Survivor shook his body around, it always felt weird when first logging in, he wasn't sure if this was a common problem or just him. He pulled his rifle over from his shoulder, the weight felt familiar after all he has been using this one gun for a while now had plenty of sentimental value to it, although while Survivor didn't want to admit that he had to replace it soon the rifle was just becoming too outdated. Survivor shouldered the gun bringing the strap over his head, he took a quick look around trying to get his bearings. After a few moments Survivor started to make his way to one of his favorite spots, typically it didn't have too many people which make it a great place for some practice. As he got closer to the spot he noticed that unlike usual there seemed to be a few people here, a level 1, a level 5 and a level 9 surprisingly enough. The meeting just seemed odd with the difference in level between the players, but Survivor decided to ignore them for now it wasn't really his business to get involved after all. He jumped down to an alley nearby, he found this place quite sometime ago back in his first year playing. The alley was filled with rubble making it quite difficult to navigate but also made a great improvised firing range with all the targets scattered around. Survivor took his rifle in hand and crouched down giving him a stable firing position, he as done this so many times that it seemed like second nature at this point. One could also point out that this exercise was a waste of time, but Survivor like to at least practice once a week, he had to rely on his marksman skills more then other gunners or even armsmen so he liked to keep them sharp. After taking a few seconds to line up his first target, a small rock balancing on a pillar, he took his shot firing a short controlled burst. He then switched targets after knocking the rock off, again he fired a short burst. This continued for a while, Survivor was focusing on both speed and accuracy, so far doing pretty well and hasn't missed once yet.