Hibiscus crossed her arms, glowering as the kid and the teacher spoke. The decided on action and proceeded immediately. She didn't mind that her suggestion was brushed off, she could use her strength for something other than a field-trip into death, and the two were her superior officers after all, it was the way they spoke about the situation. They were eager to fight, to play with the Yakuza, before determining if the pay-off would be worth it. It could very well be a trap or an entirely pointless endeavor. An endeavor that the Samurai would apparently take on alone... The hound sniffed and growled at his shadow as he passed, but the action went largely unnoticed. She found herself in the company of Leslie, Ibrahim, Ascot, and still the trees. She stuffed her seeds into her pocket, still unsure of what to do with them. She crossed to a case of saplings, young bright things, with tiny prickly pine leaves. Not sharp enough to cut, but enough to annoy and make your hands sticky with their life's sap. Hibiscus winced and ran her hands over her coat, trying to get the sap off them. "What needs to be done to finish up here? Do you want me to look around and make sure everyone is accounted for? There might be more missing... or extra persons in our midst still."