Zoran-Thiea could see the man's suspicion of her. But she could also reasonably see his understanding that he had few other options in the matter. He could always slash his way out—any good Kantilian would—and he had been weighing that option for awhile now. His hand continued to linger near the sword on his hip. The woman translating between them called a few words over her shoulder, and finally Zoran-Thiea stepped a bit closer. "Tell him that I need help...I need to make it deep into No Man's Land safely. I need to find a very special lost...[i]treasure.[/i]" The other began speaking with the man again, translating for him. Zoran-Thiea waited, thoughtfully. [b]Magik[/b] had been the word weighing heavy upon her mind. It was the real treasure she would be seeking. But she was certain this man must already think she was half-crazy at least. Speaking of things like magik, which few people even believed anymore, would probably cause her to lose any chance she might have at convincing him to help her. After Lindria had finished explaining, she continued a bit: "She will help you find whatever you need here in Kantle. And she asked me to accompany you as well, if you wish, so that I will be able to continue to translate for you."