Alex saw that his egg was hatching and took a few steps back as it was cracking open until finally something came out. A baby dragon came out and then it grew and grew until it was huge and Alex couldn't believe what he had just witness. Then as Alex got closer to the dragon it was getting a bit colder as he approached but Alex didn't really mind, he was too amazed at the enormous dragon standing in front him. After all that Alex looked around and saw other dragons doing the same and each of the dragons were different in colors and sizes. He looked back at the blue and cold dragon still standing there but this time the dragon was staring at Alex. Alex stared back, creeped out, and the dragon stared back at Alex and started to crook his head a little, not knowing what Alex was doing. Then Alex blinked and said annoyed, "Okay you can blink now you won you don't have to show off,"Alex looked at the dragon as he blinked twice still confused on what had just happened and Alex smiled and said, "but your still cool now that I got a good look at you, your really something although I thought dragons were a myth." Alex looked at his friends and heard what the other Alex said and responded still amazed and excited, "What are you waiting for lead the way I kinda didn't pay much attention to the dream the view was distracting."