Gravity and her will allowed Lin to fall backwards and land on her feet again, the faces of her spectators still lit with a mixture of childish excitement and a mature level of appreciation. Her people often expressed some amount of bitterness for outsiders depending on who you had asked, but what she was warned about, of people not fond of her for her background, was thus far proved wrong. The people here were impressed with her, not looking upon her age or her gender to believe that her abilities were miniscule. This ‘Hollow Bastion’ was a little dirty and depressed because of the tyranny of the empire, but the citizens had not lost hope. Noticing that the faces of the folks in front of her were now looking past her, Lin turned her head towards the approaching sounds of Ace and Shizuka arriving. The joy of this company quickly turned sober in the face of these two. Ace had offered an explanation, but it wasn’t satisfactory for her, nor did it change anything. What was important to her now, was that Ace learned a valuable lesson about his friends. Apologetic as he seemed, Lin’s point may not have come across well enough for him to keep it concrete in both mind and heart. Dark olive eyes now moving to Shizuka at the talk of appearances, Lin understood what it was like to ‘keep appearances’. [b]“Brother keeps appearances too.”[/b] Lin mumbled, eyes lowering towards the ground with the recollection of her sisterly struggles came to mind. Han was a good man and an amazing brother, but there was something about him that Lin didn’t believe she would ever understand. He was obviously happy and Lin was too, but he could be happier if he tried. [b]“He’s not like me, he’s kept people at a distance and I’m not sure why. I don’t know the answer to that, but he’s always been able to teach me valuable things because of it. No matter how strong you want to be, you should remember what it is you’re being strong for: Good people, family,”[/b] Her eyes returned to the center of Shizuka’s face, and then Ace’s. [b]“Friends.”[/b] Ending her talk there and just wanting to return to being happy with her friends, Lin’s hands reached for Ace’s and Shizuka’s. Firmly gripping the both of them, squashing this situation was her priority now, and she didn’t want to lose her bonds on account of someone else. At the same time, maybe Shizuka and Ace could learn as she did that strength was useless without the people you achieved it for. These two weren’t selfish people, they cared about her and Lin hadn’t forgotten that. That loneliness she believed her brother experienced was something she didn’t want to see with anyone else, least of all these two. [b]"There's no point being strong without you guys."[/b] With the bonds of the trio in safe hands, it was the elderly man who had broken the silence among his fellows. Silently motioning for everyone to back away, the adults and children who smiled with satisfaction at the heroes who helped keep people safe today had departed, knowing that their gratitude was given. With the old man taking position behind the group moving off, Lin’s head turned back just in time to remember one important detail. [b]“Hey, I never got your name!”[/b] Lin called, turning forward and reaching back to pull Ace and Shizuka closer to him. The young and middle-aged had dispersed, but the old man himself had turned around slowly, facing the three with a warm smile. [b]“Do not think of me as rude, but the name I have to offer is penniless in comparison to what you three will be capable of. Your names will, in time, far outweigh any significance mine might hold.”[/b] [b]“That isn’t true!”[/b] Lin was quick to argue, frowning. [b]“No matter who you are, young or old, your name still means something. At least to me it will.”[/b] [b]“That’s very kind of you, young lady.”[/b] The elder looked among the group in its entirety, foreseeing a great future for them whether they be together or apart. From Ace, to Lin, to Shizuka, the elder’s attention was given to each equally. None were overlooked or forgotten, as all played a part today. [b]“I cannot offer you a name now, but I can promise you that we’ll meet again. Until that day please keep your friends by your side, and care for one another. Strength is meaningless if there's nothing to protect it with, didn’t you suggest that?”[/b] Lin nodded her head, smiling widely. Whomever this elder was Lin felt warm and goodness in his presence, which she believed was in all goodhearted elderly individuals. The experience of decades with a taste of all of life’s cruelties and kindness into one form. Big or small, strong or weak, that experience was valuable, and when this man said he saw potential in them she knew to believe it. The man had darkened hair, a slightly hunched back, and wore some tattered robes implying he may have been living a rough lifestyle these days yet deep in his dark eyes she could feel that he was content with how life had suited him. Overwhelmed by his confidence and kindness, Lin could not help but bow her head low and try to avoid crying, yet a single tear would hit the ground beneath her. People believed in her at home, but this was the very first time a stranger from a new land had ever said such kind things to her and her friends. There was no favoritism for her, which meant that he understood the importance of bonds as she did. [b]“Th-thank you sir, I won’t forget you, I promise!”[/b] Lin said, though her small form was shaking with emotion, and a couple tears followed the first to the ground. [b]“And I won’t forget you. Be well.”[/b] Nodding his head and closing his eyes with a kind smile, the elder-without-a-name had wandered off, where is anyone’s guess. Lin’s head shot back up, and she had taken her hands and wiped the moisture that had surrounded her eyes. Brother may have been right to tell her to be suspicious of the outside world, but that man was one of many she hoped would be able to prove that goodness was everywhere. That the world wasn’t so dark. She spun on her heel and looked to her friends, eyes still wet, but smile having not faded. Just the way they’d have preferred. [b]“Okay …let’s go. We can’t let-"[/b] A brief flash of light in the distance behind Ace and Shizuka had caught her attention and halted her train of thought, but as quick as it had appeared over the horizon it had vanished. Whatever it was, it was gone again. Lin shook her head and rubbed her eyes, believing it to be imagination.[b] "What's the plan from here?"[/b]