[center][b]Richie Barret[/b][/center] Rage. Rage was the best possible term to describe how Richie felt as he left the auditorium. The gall of that woman, she really declared not only an alliance, but an outright war. All during a eulogy for the dead to boot. It just made his blood boil, which wasn't uncommon for him, but it usually wasn't at this magnitude. As he stalked the halls back to his dorm room, a thought struck him. His guild, his people, were in more danger now than when this was just a battle over turf. As he locked himself away in his small room, he decided he would need to get the word out, higher level members were to help safe guard the more inexperienced. He wasn't going to let the Black King stop their pursuit of a better future, even if she had those damn Sweepers on her side. He would crush them as well, especially after what was done to the Ivory Masks in their leaderless state. As he started to write out the message, he noticed he had been invited into a kings only message. An apparent truce between them all to take down Moon Rider. Of course he joined, while not exactly his friends, no one deserved to be besieged by a power hungry King. When that was all said and done, he made sure to announce the guard-watch system that was to be put in place by all White Guild members. Stay in packs of three or more, make sure there was always someone above level five within hearing distance, and never go near [i]her[/i] territory. He knew they would follow it to the letter and they had more than enough experience between them all to take care of themselves, yet he couldn't help but feel uneasy. He had just joined into an alliance with the other Kings, that meant, well that meant he should probably help protect them too. They were after all [b]part[/b] of a team now. Making sure his door was locked and it was going to stay that way, Richie took a deep breath before diving into DGO. [center][b]Stalwart Bruiser-White King[/b][/center] He exhaled as he found himself in the White Guild Hall, clenching his fists as he was wont to do. It was different here for him, instead of bones cracking, armor and plating gnashed with each movement. The few members who had logged on stared at him, as if expecting him to say something. He only gave a nod of his head, the usual signal for them to go about their business. As he made his way over to the guild entrance, he did give them a shout. "Make sure you stay in groups! I'll beat you down myself if you try to go Rambo on me!" With that complete, he started to figure out which of his new comrades to check on first. Obviously Blue and Orange would be last, as they seemed the stablest out of the others, Red probably had matters taken care of, being the first to propose the alliance. That left Yellow and Green to start with. And seeing as he was already going that way, Tender Fern was about to see how the Ivory Masks take care of their teammates.