Tender Fern had called a meeting for the 30 odd members of the Fanged Rangers. Not all had arrived yet, but she couldn't wait any longer. It was time. "As you all have heard, the Black King has declared war on all of us, not just the Rangers, and even has the Sweepers on her side. We need to be careful, even more so than we have been these past few weeks. Do not go [i]anywhere[/i] alone. Try to stay in our territory and defend it as best you can. Don't be afraid to ask others for help. "But more importantly, do not try to fight any other colored guilds. You should already know better than to do that, but as of today it has been decided that all of us: Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, White, [i]and[/i] Green will ally against Black to insure our mutual survival. More importantly, it will allow us to defeat Moon Rider for good!" Here there was a cheer throughout the hall. The Fanged Rangers didn't want to fight, but they also didn't like the way the Strykers were taking advantage of the Sweepers to ultimately cause chaos in D.G.O. Taking her down would mean the safety of the Green territory as well as the end of her so-called control over the game. It didn't help that some of the Rangers had defected to Black leaving the guild members wanting revenge. Just as Fern was about to continue, another young panicked guild member burst through the large doors. This was becoming a regular thing, apparently. "They're coming!" She screamed, obviously terrified. Another, older boy, ran in behind her, his voice just as loud as hers. "They have some kind of crazy war truck! They're headed right for us!" Now, Fern didn't know exactly what was happening, and these two hadn't described much, but there was one thing she was certain of: Someone was coming to destroy the guild. It didn't much matter who it was, more how many, which thankfully, the girl answered next. "There's too many. I don't think we can defend against them!" Okay. Okay. Fern needed to get a hold of the Rangers and quickly before they all started to panic. Quietly, thinking, she pulled her scarf tighter around her face. It was a good thing that she was practically covered head to toe. Otherwise, her own terror could have been seen. They didn't have enough guild members to defend against a full blown attack, but what else could she do? Let whoever was coming just take her territory? Her guild hall? That would be just like giving up, and that was something she just couldn't do. She loved this place too much. "There are never too many!" The dull roar that was getting louder by the second quieted when she began to speak again. "We are a family, and this is our home! Are we going to allow these people to take it from us?" Silence followed for a moment before the young girl who had brought the news first said, "But -" Tender Fern cut her off. "No buts. Now, are we going to allow these people to take our home from us?!" Finally, she got the answer she wanted. A loud, "No!" echoed throughout the hall, and she smiled, despite the fact that she may or may not be leading them into an impossible battle. "That's right! We aren't! And why aren't we? Because we're-" "THE FANGED RANGERS!" And then they were charging towards the army of vehicles, Tender Fern following with her staff.