Seeing how that exchange went it doesn't seem like Robeatics is coming back, but I feel I should still address the points regardless. [quote=Robeatics]I'm sorry, but being friends with a group is different from wanting your opinion to be heard with just as much weight. I have many black friends and we, on occasion, discuss racism, classism and intersectionality, and during those discussions I know to back off if someone with much more personal experience on racism wants to share their views.[/quote] Never did I go "I'm friends with ______ therefore I can speak for them". I was saying that the fight for equal has got to the point where those who are seen as not discriminated against are now being made the target of hate and discrimination cause of 'privilege' they possess. I'll will clarify now, this is not always the case. The Pride club I went to at college was never like that, everyone knew I was hetero and no one treated me differently for it. But I have seen many cases of people being condemned and mistrusted in other places because they are white, male or hetero. There are cases where we are seeing hatred/discrimination against said groups, but most people are willing to turn a blind eye because they don't want to look immoral by siding with the 'privileged' side, or by questioning the other side. Plus the whole "I know how to back off if someone with experience wants to share their views" is useless. I can say the same to you "You should back off when I'm speaking of experience men being hated", but I don't. Because to tell people to be quiet because of having a different opinion or perspective is idiotic. It not only inhibits freedom of speech, but it acts as the perfect breeding ground for discrimination to grow from, the silencing of people based on their demographics. [quote=Robeatics]Also, Gwazi: Dude, chill. There is no "pity party" when women genuinely discuss their fears, problems and personal experiences among other women. I expected better of you to be more respectful when people speak of something that is important to them and that is present in their daily lives, especially if they are comfortable around you enough to discuss such personal things pertaining to men. I do not agree with the assumption some of those women may have as far as men molesting babies or being inherently violent. Another thing feminists are against is the idea that men are monsters of lust that can't control themselves.I am not really sure what you mean by "their presence is merely tolerated because they are Hetero".[/quote] There is a [i]big[/i] difference between discussing fears, problems and personal experiences and simply attacking/bashing an entire demographic of people. If they were talking about how they hate seeing their friends, children or themselves abused that's fine. Those are serious problems that need to be addressed. But simply going "Men suck! They're such abusive assholes!" is not fine, if they are say baseless and generalizing attacks like that I should be allowed to reply with other baseless and generalizing attacks such as "Women suck! They're such ungrateful bitches!". And if a woman came in complaining about men saying stuff like that I doubt you'd be telling them to chill and be more respectful. Yet, you feel completely entitled to do so when a man comes in about something women were saying. And yes there are some feminists who are against the "Men are monsters of lust" idea, but there are also many who aren't. And what I mean by "Their presence is merely tolerated because they are Hetero" means exactly what it says. Have you ever seen the term "Straight Privilege" thrown about? There is a rather big movement (once which roots from Tumblr mind you) that is essentially painting anyone who is white, male and straight as the enemy and as villains. [quote=Robeatics]Feminism is about giving women a choice. They can choose to cover themselves, they can choose to wear revealing clothing. They can choose to stay at home and they can also choose to go out and live as they want. I have no idea what kind of feminism you are learning about.[/quote] The feminism that's been actively going around starting movements, conferences, speeches and trying to change laws in the name of feminism.