[center]Donny Kain / Arms Slave[/center] [b]"Ah, here they come! Good! Saves us the trouble of having to find them!"[/b] Arms Slave speak over the radio. His Mayhem Riders hollered at the notion that the Fanged Rangers, who were massively outnumbered by the Mayhem Rider's Vehicles alone not including the groups being carried inside, would come to meet them directly. Arms Slave even saw their guild leader leading the charge! [b]"Alright lads, we're about to get some crunchies coming! Watch out for any of their tanks or heavy hitters, no doubt they have some plans to intercept out charge. With the prez announcing total war, I got no doubts that we might see some other colors while we're here. Otherwise, give them hell!"[/b] Arms Slave laughed manically as he disengaged from the front of the charge, firing shots from his main cannon at the bulk of the Fanged Rangers who came out to meet them. The other Mayhem Riders did the same, sending a wall of explosives, bullets, magical energy, and any other long ranged ordinance at the Fanged Rangers. Gunns sat outside or used gun ports to fire their weapons at whatever wasn't an Ebon Styker, and even vehicles that lacked much range options out weighted most of their occupants, turning them into an unstoppable ballistic missile. These hard-hitting, fast moving war machines than took the lead. They would run over any ground force first while the artillery soften up the Fanged Rangers. [b]"Kill Dozer, Iron Maiden, with me! We're taking their guild hall while the main forces is busy at the front! Sky Eye, Lightning Bruiser, Ebony Golem, watch the perimeter and keep us an eye out for reinforcements! Respond ASAP as soon as you see anyone that ain't black or green! 'ERE WE GO 'ERE WE GO 'ERE WE GO!"[/b] Arms Slave and two other war machines, driven by Kill Dozer and Iron Maiden while also carrying at least ten other players (With Arms Slaves own max of ten, making a total of thirty players), charged for the Fanged Rangers Guild Hall. They began to fire their weapons indiscriminately even if they did not have any visual on the enemy. But that wasn't the only thing he did. Arms Slave than opened up communications to the Fanged Rangers. [b]"FANGED RANGERS! This is Arms Slave, leader of the Mayhem Riders and a war boss for the Ebon Stykers! This isn't even a fraction of what the Ebon Stykers are capable of! I know that your guild is weak, and that it won't be a problem for us to crush you right here, right now. You can hide behind your walls or pray for the other guilds to save you, but the only ones who can save your from the Ebon Stykers is ME! So listen up Tender Fern! I'm coming to your guild hall with a reasonable offer; merge with the Ebon Stykers or will kill you all. You have until I get there to decide! Muwa ha ha ha ha!"[/b]