[b][u]Michelle - Shooting Star-Yellow King[/u][/b] Michelle sighed. That was certainly an interesting chat. Now that the alliance against Black King was set, Michelle decided to log into DGP and see how her guild was doing. She closed her eyes, then felt herself logging in. [b]Welcome, Shooting Star-Yellow King[/b] She found herself back in the Yellow Guild Hall, noting that her three advisers were already there. "Good afternoon, gentlemen," Shooting Star greeted them. "Before I make any announcements, I would like to know if we have any news." "[i]Nothing of significance[/i]," the level 7 Wizard, Arcane Force, said. "[i]aside from the Black King claiming to have an alliance with the Sweepers, but I believe you already knew that[/i]." "[i]And that kind of news is absolutely terrible![/i]" the level 8 Shinobi, Silent Enigma, exclaimed. "[i]Who knows what kind of havoc such a duo could cause! We may have held our territory well enough, but-[/i]" "[i]I thought we told you to stop yelling. Jesus[/i]," the level 7 Tank, Stone Brick, interrupted. Enigma turned and glared at Brick, replying, "[i]I am aware of that, but clearly my 'yelling' is well founded. The Sweepers possess plenty of power, and we have only held our territory by close calls. Even that was only without the Black King herself walking up to us[/i]." "[i]We've heard this so many times now, it's starting to get dull[/i]," Brick muttered. Enigma glared at him more fiercely and said, "[i]With due cause! I-[/i]" "[b]Are we here to deliver news, or are we here to argue?[/b]" Shooting Star said, adding an edge to her tone of voice to imply that she meant business. Enigma flushed red and lowered his head. "[i]My apologies[/i]," he said shamefully. "[i]Other than the aforementioned alliance, there is nothing to report today, as usual[/i]," Force said dismissively. "[b]Very well[/b]," Shooting Star said, nodding. "[b]Now, I'd like to make one announcement. I have spoken with the other Kings, and-[/b]" "[i]You did what???!![/i]" Enigma exclaimed, lifting his head and showing his expression of shock. Michelle cleared her throat in annoyance, glaring at Enigma, who lowered his head back down. "[i]I apologize. Please continue[/i]," he said. Shooting Star sighed, then continued on. "[b]As I was saying, all the Kings, excluding Black, have decided to form an alliance against our new threat. The other guilds are to be treated as friends, not as enemies.[/b]" Her three advisors all looked at her in shock, then looked thoughtful. Before they could say anything, though, a messenger came bursting through the door Shooting Star and her advisers were in. "[i]I have urgent news! A group of players from the Ebony Strykers have begun to launch an assault on the Green Kingdom![/i]" the messenger announced. "[i]Judging from the size of the attack, the Green Guild may not survive![/i]" Michelle was quick to react. She stood up from her chair and said, "[b]I'm going. Advisers, I leave the guild to you.[/b]" Before they could respond, she zoomed out of the Guild Hall and towards the Green Kingdom. With her Shukuchi skill, she would get there in very little time, but only time would tell whether or not she would get there in time at all.