Justin frowned as he looked at Phoebe's sorry state. Whatever she had taken, it clearly wasn't making her right in the head. He wondered when she took up substances - if it was that at all. Back at Hogwarts, while they certainly did cause mischief, it wasn't something that he remembered partaking with her in. They enjoyed each other's company, which spread rumors throughout the school. Not that he cared. Opinions that other cast forth onto him mattered little. If they were not of pureblood, they were inferior, no? Even with that train of thought - potent in the present - he could never think of Phoebe as such. She was an exception. His one link that differentiated him from his family. Sighing, Justin gently helped Phoebe to her feet. "You need to sleep," he said as he guided her towards the door. "You're free to yell at me when you wake up. Just follow and don't cause a fuss." Opening the door to the cafe, Justin, held her close as he imagined his top floor flat. Closing his eyes, in the middle of the night, he apparated away. --- Unlocking the door and undoing the wards to allow himself in, Justin opened the door and strolled on in. The lights came on upon motion as he walked Phoebe towards his bedroom. Pushing open the door, he laid her on the bed and removed her heels. Nuzzling a pillow beneath her head and throwing the blanket over her, he stood up. "Sleep for now. I'll be right outside if you need anything." Closing the door behind him, Justin removed his shoes and placed them near the front door with Phoebe's. The white-walled living room suddenly felt smaller as his Hogwart sweetheart resided next door. It took every ounce of willpower for him not to feel her soothing heat within his arms. However, given present circumstances, it'd be indecent. Taking out his wand, he swished towards a music player as classical movements purred through the speakers. The volume was perfect. He could listen and appreciate the composer's gift to the world and not disturb his guest. Settling on the black leather couch, Justin closed his eyes as the weariness of the day took him. Though his body craved the sleep, his mind was far too excited to give in. Laying there with his eyes closed, he remembered memories past and how he missed them so.