[center]Plot: [i]The destruction of two worlds winds up spitting out two teenagers who've never met in Traverse Town, with no idea (or maybe one has a clue and the other doesn't) of what's going on. Once they get over the initial culture shock of the universe laying open for them, they have to find out how to get back what is lost, and find their ways home. But what starts out as a simple journey to save their homes, because a plan to save everyone. [/i] [/center] Characters: [hider=Diversity's Characters] Name: Saga Age: 17 Gender: Female Homeworld: Hollow Bastion Personality: Saga has lived alone in the tunnels around Hollow Bastion's castle for years. She has seen some travelers come and go, and overheard whispers she was never meant to hear. Overall she has very few friends, and those are a series of strange acquaintances who can stand the chill below the castle itself, and the solitude alike. Because of her lifestyle, Saga doesn't quite know where personal space boundaries lie, and she's very awkward. Her persona is forefront and blunt, and Saga has little shame to show. She wants an answer- she'll get it. One way or another. [img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/038/4/6/baby_shank_by_artgutierrez-d4oulas.jpg[/img] Powers/Abilities: -Blizzard -Cure Keyblade: "The Kingdom Key" The very first form of the keyblade as she found it, which appeared to her in the shape of the Kingdom Keyblade, only it's handle is blue where it would be gold, and its length is silver with a shine of blue steel.[/hider] [hider=Altered Tundra's Characters] Name: Caleb Age: 16 Gender Male Homeworld Ivalice(Final Fantasy XII) Personality Being a fighter at heart, Caleb is always looking for a good fight. It’s not cause he just wants to pound someone’s face in. No, it’s nothing like that at all. He enjoys the sweet release that he gets when his fists and feet connect with someone else’s. It’s about the pleasure of finding someone who is able to challenge his fighting prowess. Of course, seeking out said fighters can cause him a lot of grief as it usually leads him to do stupid stunts like fall into traps set by people out to get him. This could also add onto why he’s been dubbed “The Stupid Striker”. Of course, that nickname is meant as an insult, but Caleb does not care. He continues to use his fists instead of his head. He’s also one to think last and act first, which could make his title pretty accurate. Oh, he’s also a big hothead, so watch out for that. In the end of the day, however, Caleb is just a lovable idiot who, when people get to know him, will see that there is nothing but a big softie who just wants to get strong and protect not only himself, but those who he cherishes as well. [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/338/c/0/cfas_fighter___davian_hawke_by_bayanghitam-d347te4.jpg[/img] Height/5’7 | Weight/169lbs | Hair Color/Black with a white center | Eye Color/Auburn | Skin Color/Slightly tanned Powers/Abilties Fighter’s Spirit: Caleb’s fighting spirit is so strong that sometimes his inner-will can manifest itself into fire. He has never been able to control it, so it will only come in small doses, much like a damn. Only when pushed to the right level of either anger or wanting, Caleb’s fighting spirit will show its true colors. However, as it stands now, he neither can turn it on nor off. It’s purely up to chance and how it reacts to his emotions. Hardened Battle Condition Living on the streets of the lowest of low of his homeworld meant that he had to toughen his body up at a young age and also be able to fight his way through any thug that would try to harm him. Taking such a task on, Caleb toughened his physical performance to such a degree that he was able to reach near human physical performance and his fighting capabilities are also up there on the high level. He has no proper training, of course, so he doesn’t have proper form. However, when it comes to his ability to take a man down, he can definitely think of something to get the job done. Living on the streets has also raised his awareness of certain things to a level that is above human levels, but isn’t not yet superhuman. Magic: -Haste -Bravery Keyblade [url=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/102/5/e/Keyblade_design_2_by_alexielshadowangel.jpg]Will Of Fire[/url][/hider]