As Serene began to step into the castle the ground under her shook. She looked behind her and there was to her surprise a giant snowman. She also noticed that not all of her comrades where right behind her. Elim yelled out "You heard our 'leader', get her Highness out of here, I'll take on this thing alone, the rest of you will only slow me down". Serene rolled her eye. "Big Shot" She yelled out. Then came another searing pain near her forehead. "Not now!" She yelled and feel to her knees, There in front of her was to what she now assumed to be her brothers. Three of them playing in the sand making castles. As she... Serene looked down. She could not tell what she was making. But it all seemed like they where having fun. She with out knowing why got up and looked around. Serene was recanting this memory. This one was much stronger than the others. She looked back at her brothers and said. "I really think we need to get out of here." One of her brothers said "Why?" "Aren't you having fun?" The younger Serene replied. "Its not that I just have a really bad feeling right now." The to what she could tell older brother spoke. "You always say that when you are done playing and want to go home." "But this time I am not joking around!" Serene's eye's began to fill with tears. "Something bad is going to happen." "Benji, don't you believe me?" The one that had spoken first looked at her considered and then back at the oldest. "Thane, maybe we should leave." Thane now angry said. "You ALWAYS SIDE WITH HER!!" Benji yelled back. "YEAH BUT WHAT IS IT GOING TO HURT!" "So what if we go home early?" Thane looked over at the one who had not spoken yet. Raphael you are the final decider. He continued to build his castle as he thought. Then Broke out in a joyful voice "I want to finish the town that we are building!" Thane said. " Than it is decided. We will stay! Serene looked over at Benji. He came over and put his arm around her and said cheerfully. "Its okay nothing bad is going to happen." He smiled and said "and if it dose I will protect you!" Serene remembered everything about her brothers. Thane was the oldest. He was headstrong and always loved to tease. But he was the leader of there little gang. Raphael the next was quite but you could always tell when he was in deep thought.. He was also extremely smart cheerful and loving. When they where divide Raphael always side with Thane. Benji was the third oldest and was Serene's best friend. He was her protector. The weather had changed quickly. The clouds darkened and rain started to pour. Serene spoke. "See what I mean!" They all ran towards home but when the came to the bridge Thane stopped dead in his tracks. Serene yelled from the back "Why did you stop?" As the words came out of her mouth she woke to the present. Serene realized how cold she was she was laying in the snow. As she looked up tears filled her eyes with an overwhelming feeling of loss she could not remember what had happened but she knew it was bad. She told her self to snap out of it now was not the time to grieve. They had a princess to save. Wait where was the princess? As she got up she heard Olaf's voice. "Um exusse me miss but I don't believe this is the time to be making snow angels." Serene look at him sternly. "I was not making snow angels." "I was having a moment." "What kinda moment?" "Nevermind that where is princess Ana?" "We---ll you did you passie out snow angel thing and Ana told me to watch you while she ran-a-that-a way." Olaf pointed in the direction of the trees. "She WHAT!" "WHY?" Olaf shrugged his shoulders. Serene ran in the direction Anna had head to as Olaf followed.