[Fifth Post] Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind Stats:Assets(5), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2) Credit where it was due, this guy knew human resources and marketing. Katherine mentally bumped Pentaphraxis' respect/threat rating (she made no differentiation between the two) up significantly. Of the two other nobles here, she was immediately coming to see the younger man to be the greater economic mind, and the way he worded his sales pitch on contingencies was well refined salesmanship to say the least. And left very few grounds for objection. Very well played. "The benefits are obvious." She said after Jarvis finished his speech. "I vote in support of the Worker's League, and will work on my end to smooth out any wrinkles that may interfere in its establishment once protocols of its foundation are set." The unspoken reference to Katherine's connections amongst the aristocracy and industrial elites, while her mind worked away at how to profit herself from this setup given its clear overlap with some divisions of base-level genejack production. The answer of course lied in what it didn't cover, namely certain fields of industry and social "services", and Katherine pulled out a stylus to begin tapping and drawing out notes on her dataslate to begin drafting plans of her own. None that would interfere with the worker's league, but still beneficial for her company regardless. And as much as the councilor's may disagree with her work, it was there, and it was too essential to allow to weaken. They would come to realize this in due time. For now, she would play along. "Is there any who oppose?" She continued, her fingers dancing on the tablet while her eyes never left her fellow councilors. Gauging their next move. For the moment she had to play low and to the confidence of the others, lest she unite them all against her prematurely. That, and the policies she intended to bring up were more industry than labor, something to bring up later. Not to mention the unenviable question of who was the shoulder the government's electricity bill. [hider=Voting] Katherine Greywind votes in support of the Worker's League [/hider] [hider=Season 1 Spending] Invest in new genejacks to invest in Madame Vol's engines for economic stimulus and to earn goodwill from Madame Vol. (2 Assets) Begin retargeting future genejack production away from agricultural work to industrial and social sectors. (2 Assets) Chip in on the power bill (1 Asset) [/hider]