"Watchmaker's Hill," Henry quietly muttered to himself. "Outskirts of London. May take a half hour of travel give or take," His eyes darted all over and didn't move from a sheet of paper that lay on a table before him, not even as the lady walked in informing them of yet another murder in the spree of serial killings courtesy of the Game Master. He had taken the initiative to study the location of each murder from a geographical perspective hoping to identify some type of pattern in his movements. It was a fruitless task at the moment but he pressed on, distracting himself from his own thoughts. "Right, i'll pack this up," He said aloud as the other two started for the door. The man practically shoved all of the papers into a folder before placing it into a briefcase that had sat beside him on the floor. He threw in a notepad as well as a pipe, then followed his team out the door, to the outside and into the stagecoach. [quote=Sir George Lakeview] When we get there, I don't want you to touch anything without permission okay? It is of importance that we see the crime scene in its original state. You know of that killer and let me tell you, he is playing with us. He might even have left a clue at the scene. [/quote] Henry gave a slight nod, however he would have to get used to requiring permission to touch evidence. He was more of a hands on thinker and the thought of standing idly by during a crime scene, well he could already feel the agitation. This was his first crime scene after all. It made sense to acknowledge George's request and proceed with caution, but that didn't make it easy. Not for the scientist. [quote=Sir George Lakeview] This is a war. People are dying and we don't even know who the enemy is. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more. [/quote] [i]This is a war.[/i] The words tumbled around Henry's mind for a moment. He was conflicted as to whether George was referencing their time in war together or was simply being metaphorical. Either way, they were essentially in a war, and a much more complicated one at that. On the battlefield, it was clear who your allies and enemies were. You knew who to trust and who had your back, but they were in a completely different type of battlefield now. For all they knew the stagecoach driver could be the Game Master himself. It was practically a jungle. [i]This is a war.[/i] The words tumbled around some more. It was at this moment Henry realized that for the duration of their time chasing the Game Master, the only people he could truly rely on and trust were sitting beside him in the stagecoach. "Once more," Henry repeated, acknowledging George's words as he adjusted his glasses. Considering how busy the past few hours had been, both in his own home and in George's office, Henry was having a rather OK morning. That or the morphine was beginning to take it's full effect. "What should we be expecting?" He asked, "I mean, you've been following the man for weeks. What do you think is waiting for us at Watchmaker's Hill?"