"Uggh." Mari grumbled as she stared back at herself from the long and tall bathroom mirror in the women's bathroom of the convention. She had had too much to eat from all of the food she had brought just in case she was hungry, and she accidentally put too much in her bag. The teen thought it was a waste if she had to bring so much food to the convention, only to then bring it back to the hotel. Besides, she really loved eating food. Sadly, at that moment, she felt like her stomach was going to explode. "I am never...," she groaned out, releasing a light burp to get rid of the gas that was rising up from her stomach. "eating food... ever again." "Why did I pick this as my costume? It feels so tight now that my tummy's all distended." This was actually her first time to cosplay at a convention, and for her first costume to make, she chose to cosplay as Princess Zelda from the most recent, non-canon game, Hyrule Warriors. The main reason why she chose Zelda was because she was her favorite character to play as in the hack and slash game; next to Sheik, of course. She had bought a wig and everything for the cosplay, and even worked hard to get it to look like her actual design. As she continued to stare at herself, she felt something vibrating on her. [i]'Is that my stomach?,'[/i] she thought to herself silently. When it continued, she felt around the shorts she wore under the skirt of her dress and realized it was her phone that was shaking back and forth. Face palming, she chastised herself, "You're such a moron." Pulling the device from her shorts pocket, she looked at the screen to see that it was Julie who was calling. A smile popped up on her face and she swiped at her phone to answer the call. Putting it against her ear, she cheerfully greeted her friend. "Yo!"