[center][b][u]Keith, Eclipsed Tower[/center][/b][/u] [hider=This is long][b]”Who do you answer to?”[/b] Keith demanded. He loosened his grip around the unfortunate player’s neck slightly so he could talk. [b]”Speak.”[/b] He said. He was on top of a building in a part of the Green sector in the Faded City. He was well aware of the massive battle raging behind him in the distance, but first, he needed some answers. [b]”The Green King is doomed!”[/b] Ebony Golem said, [b]”You might’ve beaten me, but the Fanged Rangers will die today!”[/b] He punched Ebony Golem in the gut with his other hand, a solid punch that lowered his already miniscule health. [b]”That’s not what I was asking for.”[/b] Keith said. [b]”We belong to the Mayhem Riders!”[/b] Ebony Golem answered. [b]”Why are you here?”[/b] Keith asked. [b]”We were told to guard the perimeter, and watch for reinforcements.”[/b] Ebony Golem answered. [b]”If anyone were to come to back up the Fanged Rangers, we were to tell Arms Slave so he could deal with them.”[/b] Keith hesitated for a second, processing the information. [b]”Good enough.”[/b] Keith said finally. He lifted his fist again and delivered a final punch straight through Ebony Golem’s chest. Ebony Golem dissolved into experience crystals, which Keith absorbed. [b]”That was tedious.”[/b] Keith said turning as he did so. The roof behind him was a scene of destruction, there were several craters in the roof, many pillars had collapsed and there was also a large man-shaped hole where Ebony Golem had been, a by-product of his recent fight. --- [i][b]Minutes earlier…[/i][/b] [i]A battle.[/i] Keith thought. He had seen a large convoy on its way to the Fanged Rangers, and now he could hear the distant sounds of large scale warfare. Of course, he had gone to find out the reason. Large scale battle never happened in Deep Ground, unless there really was a war happening. But there was now. The Black King had officially declared war; perhaps that was the Black King’s forces assaulting the Fanged Rangers. He was ascending a nearby building to gain a vantage point and to see the battle only to find some other players had as well, or maybe they were scouts of some description. He quickly scanned their levels, noting 2 level 4 sorcerers, a level 4 priest and a level 5 tank. The tank looked to be the strongest among them, a hulk of what looked like polished obsidian, it was obvious that he would be a challenge. [b]”It’s only one player!”[/b] Ebony Tower said, [b]”Crush him!”[/b] With that, the brute charged, breaking several pillars with his massive girth. [b]”Vigilance III”[/b] Keith said as he activated his ability. Time slowed as his speed rose. He saw Ebony Golem, crushing the concrete under his feet with his massive steps, both sorcerers preparing their spells, and the priest standing by; preparing their healing magic. The priest would have to go first. Dodging Ebony Golem’s rapid charge, he leapt upwards over his head, landing on his shoulders. Out of the corners of his eyes, he saw that one of the sorcerers was casting the first of many spells to come. [i]Not today.[/i] As Keith leapt off of Ebony Golem towards the priest, he used one of his signature abilities. [i]Shield Throw.[/i] The flying buckler sailed through the air, guided by the game system and hit the sorcerer precisely in the head, the stun symbol appearing above their head with a 10 next to it and stopping the sorcerer’s casting. The shield returned into his hand just in time as the other sorcerer had shot a fireball in his direction as he was sailing through the air. He raised his shield just in time to block it and then he extended his foot outwards and caught the priest directly in the head with a flying kick. As Keith and the priest fell, Keith raised his fist and swung downwards, timing his punch with the precise moment the priest’s head hit the ground. His fist smashed straight through the priest’s head, the force of it cracking the ground on the other side and the priest instantly dissolved into experience crystals. The first sorcerer was still stunned but the second had had time to cast again, and now a lightning bolt from above threatened to strike as Ebony Golem; now recovered, attempted to charge at him again. [i]Vigilance IV.[/i] Keith, now even faster than before, quickly sidestepped the lightning bolt which left a crater where he had stood and dodged Ebony Golem again before using another of his many skills. [i]Meteor Rush.[/i] Raising his shield, Keith quickly closing the distance between him and the second sorcerer, hitting him with the full force of his ability before finishing him off with a well-timed uppercut. The second sorcerer much like the priest dissolved into experience crystals. He absorbed them and turned his attention to the remaining two players. The stunned sorcerer had now regained movement and was already casting another spell before Keith’s Shield Slam ability disrupted him yet again. Keith then grabbed the unlucky sorcerer by the throat and threw him in the way of Ebony Golem’s third attempt to charge the Eclipsed Tower. Ebony Golem attempted to stop himself from destroying his fellow teammate, but he couldn’t stop in time and he charged straight into the unfortunate sorcerer, instantly dissolving him into experience crystals which were absorbed by the Golem. [b]”You, you just-“[/b] Ebony Golem started, clearly speechless at the speed in which his teammates were destroyed. [b]”Come.”[/b] Keith demanded, interrupting Ebony Golem. Ebony Golem bellowed a frustrated war cry, before running towards Keith, his charge ability now on cooldown. He raised his arms in the air with the intention of crushing his enemy player, before he was promptly cut off by Keith’s strongest attack. [b]”Trifold Eclipse.”[/b] Keith said as he viciously punched the vulnerable player before him, interrupting his attack. He punched three times, each one so fast that it looked like he’d only punched once; instantly draining Ebony Golem’s health bar to half, before pulling his shield backwards, and viciously slamming him in the torso to finish his combo. Ebony Golem sailed through the air, flying backwards 20 feet before colliding with a wall so hard, that he became embedded in it. He let out a cry of pain as he hit, the force of his collision also cracking the ceiling and floor. [b]”Now, it’s time to answer some questions.”[/b] Keith said as he approached the helpless player. --- [i]It will be bad if the power balance is tipped.[/i] He thought to himself. [i]"The reason that wars don't occur is because the power of the kings is balanced. If that balance is upset, the Black King will probably win this war.[/i] He stood still for some time, to recharge his abilities. He looked to where the fighting had begun, a stark reminder that the war of the kings was truly happening. From what he could see, the Fanged Rangers really wouldn’t survive this unless nothing short of a divine intervention took place. [i]Maybe if I kill Arms Slave, it would stop his army.[/i] He thought. Not all armies stop when the general dies, but it was the only other way for a solo player like him to stop an invasion. The only reason he wanted to do so was to make sure the balance of power wouldn't tip in favour of the Black King and make life harder for all of the players of Deep Ground. It would be the first time he'd ever done something for anyone but himself in Deep Ground, a personal first. [i]Vigilance V.[/i] He activated his ability and ran off to join the battle.[/hider]