"Doubtful. I stayed off the radar in publicity and anyway, I had a different alias. I would have been okay. But I knew. The thing is...I guess I just needed to forgive myself. Which I haven't yet" Kalinda said softly, almost a whisper. "And I probably never will, because I know how much I hurt you and the team. I'm not in any condition for anything, but....Jesus, I hated being normal. I hated every minute of it. I hated sitting at a desk and I hated living in that little house. And I hated..." She swallowed, paused, continued "and I hated being away from you. I may hate Fury, but I never would have met you and I never would have fallen in love with you, and I thank god for that everyday, even if it hurt everyday. Because with out that I doubt I would be alive"