A low rattle hissed out of the thicket as leaves brushed against each other, dancing in the ominous breeze. A cacophony of strange sounds echoed throughout the forest like a wild chorus. It all was carefully absorbed by Azazel as he pressed on into the forest, stepping over shrubs and through bushes. Despite the hallow darkness that surrounded him, The intense feeling of being watched still plagued him. "Is someone there?" He couldn't help but cast the occasional gaze over his shoulder. Had he looked more carefully, or perhaps had a light source, he might have seen the voodoo priestess lurking above in the canopy. However the night provided a most efficient camouflage in this wiry chaos of wood and leaves. Despite being a capable warrior, Azazel didn't have the senses for the wilderness. Alone or not, Azazel didn't want to end up as prey to some beast. He couldn't afford to stop or make himself known. So he simply continued his path, venturing deeper into the shadows.