[b]Aaron Carther | Conquest Pantheon – Orange King[/b] The moment Yoshino Tsugumi stopped speaking, the vast majority of the student body rushed to their rooms to log into Deep Ground Online. Aaron didn’t return to his room. Instead he slowly made his way to the school’s library. The librarian knew their most frequent visit well, and they already had the book that he would request reserved for when he showed up. It was a thick hardcover, just a light read. He waited ten more minutes sitting in the library, during which time he was contacted by the Red King and agreed to add the Silent marauders’ support to an allegiance against the Ebony Strykers. He didn’t particularly care about the other guilds; to him the alliance was about gaining freedom to move through territory controlled by the other guilds, and more importantly, shared information, as little as there was, about the Black King and various other things that all mattered more to Aaron than the survival of his rival guilds. He took notice of the fact that a force of Ebony Strykers was attacking the Fanged Rangers’ guild, but he took no action to lend support. It was a different message that Aaron was waiting on, and when it did come, he left the library and made the short walk to the Student President’s office. The door to the room adjacent to Tsugumi’s office was slightly open, and Aaron’s eyes caught sight of two familiar people sitting together discussing something likely unimportant. A girl by the name of April and a muscular boy called Darius. Aaron knew them better by their in-game names though: Bellowed Mist and Zealous Calm, the left and right hands of the Orange King. Neither looked up as he passed, continuing to discuss whatever it was they were pretending to discuss. Aaron deleted the message from Bellowed Mist from his history before knocking on the Student President’s office door.