The sound was what she could only compare to a train or a hurricane. It made the walls of the underground shake as she ran through the corridors and tried to reach the surface before a possible collapse occurred. Her boots hit the icy ground hard as she ran towards the opening of the light. All of her friends, where were they? There were only a few of them, a few fairies and robots who were exiled down here where Saga chose to live. As she came above ground and finally could breathe without fear of being crushed, her crystalline dark grey eyes like quicksilver looked to the sky. Darkness loomed high like a heavenly plague, a massive beast with no center whose yellow eyes pierced the world itself. Its tangled mess of head were like black mambas writhing in the sky. His long sharpened fingers reached down and he would swipe at the earth, ripping it asunder. Darkness of shadows swirled and moved, and smaller mimicries of his yellow orbs appeared. Saga glanced around, stunned. What was this? "EVE!" She called out to the little white robot, wondering where she'd gone too. Was she okay? Saga's eyes searched long and far as her dark azure hair whipped like a tidal wave around her lithe, strong form. She clenched her fists as Heartless began to spring about, bouncing and bobbing but always growing closer. Saga clenched her teeth together and made her jaw flex as her cerulean brows knit angrily. She drew from her belt two matching black and blue karambit knives. Their curved blades stuck out from the outsides of her hands and were ready to rip into the darkness. As one jumped at her, she dodged quickly to the side and swiped at it, cutting through it easily. It was defeated- she was sure of this. Saga turned on her heel and turned to face it, her long coat billowing in black and silver behind her as she locked her gaze upon the little monster. It had landed and turned to face her, antennae twitching as the slash in its form simply rejuvenated in darkness. Could it not be defeated? Saga felt, for the first time in a very long time, stunned. They were now surrounding her, having grown so numerous so fast that she felt overwhelmed. She clicked her fists together at the handles of her karambit knives and frost began to swirl in the air around her right hand. She jutted her hand out towards a cluster of the Heartless and when her hand opened, revealing the handle of the knife and her thumb hooked through its base, a blast of frozen torture shot forward. Ice formed on the ground below the spell's direction and several of the Heartless began to stiffen up as frost wrapped over them like black ice. "Heh." Saga felt like she'd found her one-up over the little monsters, until she saw a massive shadow spill over the ground. She looked overhead and fear sank in her heart. She clutched her karambit knives close, but what good would it do? The massive monster was looming over her, and when she tried to turn to run, her feet were stuck. From the sky, her eyes fell now to the floor. Darkness was tangled up her ankles and legs, creeping higher to her waist and swirling around her hips. It consumed her skirt and belt and was tugging at her jacket. She began to struggle but the ground seemed to sink, pulling her into the puddle. "What... What's going on?!" She looked around. When she searched upwards once more, her quicksilver eyes met the opposing golden orbs of the monster, and she fell into the ichor of the darkness below. The world went black... ---------------------------- [i]Where are you taking me? ... ... Well, don't just sit there and ignore me. Answer me![/i] --------------------------- The strangest dream had come and gone and she could barely remember it. But her eyes fluttered and she leaned up. Saga was laid against a light-post in a back alley of a strange warm-colored town. It felt warmer in temperature too. Humble yellow lights poured down and amongst the autumn coloring of this strange new world, were often star-shaped designs and windows. Plenty of little shops and inns were up ahead and she would find herself too sore to just jump up and start searching. Warily she slipped her legs out and leaned onto her knees. Her fingers revealed at the end of her fingerless gloves clutched the lamp post and she pulled herself up. Her fingers then went to her hood and drew it up before she readied to hook her karambit knives to her belt. But instead she found something else in her hands. Had it been there before? It was a... very big key? She blinked and stared at it. It was getting weirder and weirder, as the key suddenly disappeared and in her chain was a small crown keychain that she attached to her bracelet. "Well then..." Saga said uncomfortably, peeking around. "I wonder if EVE is here..."