As Jun began to wake from unconsciousness, she was flooded with the memories of falling and her friends screaming all around her as the flooring in Kisaragi caved in. After that, everything went dark, and her memory was completely blank. As she was waking up now, she could see that she was in an extremely dark and musty-looking classroom, with broken floorboards and an extremely tall ceiling, which she was currently facing. Based on her surroundings, it wasn't hard to evaluate that this was a classroom. More specifically, a science room. It held many beakers, test tubes, and other such items on the nearby desks across from her, which were filled with unidentifiable liquids which were impossible to determine due to the lack of light... Jun herself was laying atop one such table, stretched out and tied down to it with a highly resistant rope that, despite all the struggle in the world, seemed like it just wouldn't budge. There was no sign of her friends anywhere in the room, or, aside from the science equipment, that anybody had even been here in a long time. If she were to listen closely, she could hear a very distant [i]scraping[/i] sound, like metal against wood, somewhere in the presumable hall outside the classroom. The scraping was somewhat rhythmic, keeping up a steady pace as it drew nearer and nearer to the classroom. Whatever it was, it didn't sound right...