[center][img=http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/brown%20hair/SakonShimaSengokuBasara6001540234_zps1cb0c1d9.jpg] NATHRACHEAN VARGAS 48 years old 20/04/1097 Nataraji's son and a member of the rebellion, Nathrachean has always been a war enthusiast. When he was younger he would spend all his time in the libraries reading about the great wars in the past and longed to be in one himself. But unfortunately he was born during a time of peace and in the wrong location, making it impossible for him to train to become a knight. As an alternative outlet, Nathrachean began getting mixed up in the East side gangs and started got into alot of trouble. When his father found out, he threatened to send him away, and although it was to the Main City where he could get the training to become a Knight, he was so sure that he was going to get rejected from the program that he didn't even want to try. On the night of his last day, he ran away from home and moved in with one of his gang friends. From there he bounced from house to house of the different people he knew until he eventually landed in the Main City. With no money for food, he resulted to thievery and got caught by a PeaceKeeper. The crime was petty and didn't deserve death, so he was sent to the Under to serve out the rest of his punishment. In the Under he met a man around his age named Destrinnian, or better known as the Red Rose. He was a notorious gang member who was ruthless in fights, but Nathrachean had gotten on his good side and became an underling. When Destrinnian joined the Rebellion, Nathrachean did too, seeing this as the perfect way to get into fights. However, he is unaware that he is related to the Royal family because his father never told him.[/center]