Angel watched as the new vampire entered the room. He seemed dangerous, but given the rant he'd given Vicorica he seemed bold. Angel had not once had the thought of standing up to Vicorica, but he'd done it. Was he a rebel vampire? Are there such things as a rebel vampire? Angel did not know, but now these questions popped into her head. Along with the nagging question of '[i]Who did turn me?[/i]' That question nagged Angel, her not able to remember her own [i]name[/i] much less the man or woman who had turned her. She heard Vicorica's reasoning. Had [i]she[/i] been the one to turn Angel? Angels mind raced with new questions, none of which being answered. All of which nagging at her brain. She groaned, she could remember nothing besides her name, and yet there was so much more. She couldn't even remember her full name. Let alone anything like who had turned her and why. Then the question struck her [i]Did I have children? A baby? Multiple young children? I dont seem to be the old... Was I pregnant while turned? Did it kill the baby? Oh god... Oh god![/i] All these thought and questions, racing through her mind. None had answers. What if she'd been a single mother? Were all her children back home, starving? dehydrated? Kidnapped? Raped? Killed?! Did she have an abusive husband? She did not know. she did not know if she even had a family. Had anyone cared about her? Was she an orphan? She did not know. With so many questions without answers Angel groaned and held her head, all the questions and her struggling to remember having hurt her. Angel held her head for a moment, before the pain went away and she moved her hand. She looked around the room, getting used to her surroundings. She'd been asking Vicorica questions, but Angel had begun to think she was being ignored. Tension between the two vampires before her cased her to tense up in her chair and cower a bit in fear, wondering if a fight was going to break out of if one of the vampires got so angered that they lashed out at all around them. Angel was worried. Angels stomach aked, she was quite hungry. The blood did look quite filling at the moment. Angel watched as William and Vicorica ate. It killed her inside, they seemed [i]monsters[/i]. And yet... She was one of them, she knew she would have to drink the blood to survive. But knowing that people died for that blood in the bowls around her, it just killed her. Her mind now had new questions '[i]Whos blood is this?' 'Did they have a family? Children? Wife? Husband?'[/i] Angel suddenly felt awful, her stomach was [b]screaming[/] for her to drink the blood, her stomach feeling like someone had just been twisting and pulling it violently. Her head rested on the table, Angel looked down at her legs and held her stomach, groaning in pain. Angel did not want to drink the blood. But she knew she would have to. Who had heard of such thing as a vegetarian vampire?