Good mornight, guys! I hope you're all having a swell day :D Getting hoodies instead of cloaks is defo an option. Haha, Harper would actually prefer that too since cloaks are suspicious and tend to draw attention. I bet Ace, Riley, and Tobs will go with cloaks for the cool factor or something xD Best of luck with your chemistry exam, Kimchi :)! And doodles sounds awesome <333 By the looks of things we'll be able to wrap stuff up by Thursday ^^! Good job, everyone. After this chappy, we'll move to Iwaku. We're gonna have a quick interlude before we begin chapter six. Kei-chan's going to bring in a familiar face and it'll be a chance for the humans to reflect on their decision and interact with the HF. It'll probably last a week or two at most, and when that's done we can get on with scavenger hunt. Just one more item and the list will be complete :D! After that, we'll be moving onto the next phase. I can't believe we've gotten this far, thanks guys! [youtube]qR9DjdMrpHg[/youtube]