[b]Noboru-High School Hall[/b] Noboru sighed and put his phone away. Today was a rather bothersome day. So much happened in such a little time that he didn't know how to react. It was awkward to go back into the club room, where most likely most of the people were still shocked. Noboru looked around and out of the corner of his eye saw a black haired girl, trying and failing at hiding behind her bag. She looked very nervous and was inching away. He tried talking to her. "Everyone has a bad day right? Not much you can do about it eh?" Though she was inching away as if she had just walked in and was trying to avoid him, he realized that she had witnessed the whole ordeal. "Woah woah woah wait hold on. It's not what you think. I mean... There was a whole classroom full of people... Dammit that came out wrong. I mean come on, it's school. I mean. Wait hold on I can explain!" [b]Aiko[/b] Aiko wanted to follow Toma. He thought to himself about how he had no clubs to join, and if he did, he would get to be with Toma. "Hey, uh Toma, is there any more room in the club? I still have yet to join one, and this one sounds fun. Is there any possible way to join it? Or is it already full?" Aiko fiddled with his bag, putting stuff away. "If there isn't any way I can join, I don't mind waiting. My other half is already off on her own anyhow, so it wouldn't matter."