Hibiscus crossed to where the new arrival and Leslie stood... and Serenity. White hair, golden-coin eyes, spiffy red outfit, and a huge Mecha. No wonder Leslie was so smitten. Hibiscus turned to Leslie. "Sure Les, I'll get her up-to-speed. In the meantime, send this boat a list of everyone we need to account for." Her face remained a neutral mask, her voice was low and gravely. Then she turned away from Leslie and walked toward the machine. Hibiscus was not a fan of all this newfangled technology, however, there was no question in her mind that [i]that thing[/i] was the fastest way to get around the forest. Hibiscus squinted and leaned forward, trying to better see the light of the shimmering crystal... or was she glaring? "Can I call shotgun? Or am I riding up-top cowboy style?" Hibiscus turned to Serenity now. Her undead hound approached the parked machine, calmly sniffing one of it's long legs.