Omega planned to wait till Jonathan was closer to take any action, after all he knew that by himself he wouldn’t be able to protect the children while fighting. He sighed inwardly as he could just kill the enemies, however he promised Ascot he wouldn’t take any lives as to not complicate the situation with the MPC. Though from various sources he knew that it wouldn’t be long now, not to mention the kids could probably take care of themselves... That is if the more powerful targets wouldn’t be there. Omega shook his head [i]”Targets... I’m beginning to slip back into my old self. I should have just...”[/i] He cut off. Sanuta and Kaena relayed what they heard and saw to him, fortunately the realm of spirits allowed a lot of leeway when it came to time. Omega scratched his chin wondering what the duo he sent would do. He smiled as their intent was rather clear to him. [i]The two are as mischievous as ever.[/i] Chuckling slightly as he just watched, after all the two were given free reign and could do what they wanted, provided they kept the kids safe. The two familiars just looked at each other after they heard a question. The kids would then telepathically hear two voices, each having a pleasant yet different melody to them, both different in tone and intensity than the one that spoke to them before. [i]”We can do that, but force won’t really be necessary, nor will there be noise.”[/i] Said the first voice, it had a mischievous undertone and belonged to the fox, which looked at the trio intently. The cat slightly nudged the fox, as if sighing, then took over. [i]”Our master equipped us with a many abilities.”[/i] That said the duo moved in closer to release the children. [i]”Don’t try to escape by yourselves yet, help is coming so just sit tight.”[/i] said Sanuta. [i]”Yes, yes~ Or we’ll have to restrain you and you wouldn’t like that~”[/i] Kaena added. Frankly the two familiars hoped to get some action, it was a long time since their master allowed them to use their magic freely. Still for now they waited as completing their mission was of utmost importance. That said removing the cuffs was easy, after all their master thought them how to deconstruct both magic and objects, though it needed several schools of magic, which of course they could use due to their unique physiology. The first process was to neutralize the binding and magic nullification spell. A simple counter spell composed of the same schools of magic as the cuffs were engraved with would do the job. Of course they took care that if any monitoring spell or device was added they'd make it send a permanent all is well signal before disabling it. The second process was to remove the cuffs, which normally would need them to be destroyed but the trick was decomposition. In nature everything would be decomposed given enough time. The trick was to accelerate the process but to limit it to the target, which was hard to do if you didn’t know the trick to it. Needless to say the kids were freed of their bonds in a couple of moments.