[img=http://i944.photobucket.com/albums/ad282/rhodes626/RP/City.jpg] [i]In the December of 2012, on the winter solstice, a date prophesied by the Mayans as the end of evolution, a date prophesied by Nostradamus as World’s End, man chose to evolve by the process of natural selection through self-extermination from nuclear fallout. The decade long War on Terror escalated to a series of short events between many warring nations that ravaged the known world on all sides in 24 short hours forcing man into an Exodus that would last 20 years for the chosen survivors, before they could return to the ruins of civilization and start a new era of man. The survivors are the lucky ones, the people that made it to fallout shelters, and those that somehow survived against all odds.[/i] The story begins in the year 2032, vaults around the country are opening up and some people, born in the vaults are seeing the sky and sunlight for the first time. Vault 9271 is located in the Ohio River Valley 60 miles west of Pittsburgh in what was known as the Tri-State Area. The area was once known for their coal mining, as well as the fertile soil in the area. As the citizens leave their vault for the first time they are forced to decide whether to stay together and set aside their differences to begin building a town or to go their own way. [b]GM NOTES:[/b] • The game is set around the area of Ohio, PA, & West Virginia • No God Modding • There won’t be much in the way of technology or electronic due to massive EMP waves from nuclear blasts • Weapons will have to be made or found there will be a minimal number of weapons in the Vault. • This game is about politics & survival, not everyone is friends • If you are from outside the vault you better have a good back story • If you decide to travel near a "Yellow Zone" you will have some sickness and other problems • Your character will have no idea what is going on in the outside world • When you leave the vault most people will leave to find their families, homes etc there will be less than 50 to begin a new civilization [b]Please use a little common sense with this RP if we work together we can make this story great.[/b] [b]Antagonists[/b] Plot antagonists first will be nature itself, you will have to survive, create shelter, plant crops etc. because food is running out in the Vault. There will also be raiders from other vaults or just survivors who miraculous survived. [b]Character Sheets[/b] Keep in mind if you are coming from the vault you probably would have seen some of the other characters inside the vault. As CS's are posted I challenge you to look over them and PM other players and decide who will work together. I think having this hidden undercurrent will definitely make the RP more interesting. If you are from outside the vault then send me a PM describing how you survived or grew up in the post nuclear world. [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [i](Choose carefully anything under 20 means you were born in the vault, 21 - 30 means you were 1 - 10 and may have only a few memories of life before the war)[/i] [b]Occupation:[/b][i] (if older 40 it could be doctor lawyer etc whatever you may have been before entering the vault. if you are under 40 you would have been a child entering the vault and would have been trained by those in the vaults and by reading books)[/i] [b]Personality:[/b][i] (Are you a leader, town builder, or just a loner)[i] Occupation suggestions for CS's The vault contains the following industries: - Small Medical Clinic - Dentist Office - School - Cafeteria - Janitor Services - Engineering Dept. (Responsible for maintaining the Vault) - Security Dept. (Basically a few individuals who keep the peace) - Eco Dept (Grows small crops In a room with Grow Lights) *If you wish to add some other occupation I am fairly flexible as long as it makes sense. As the GM I will play mostly a GM role setting the scenes, injecting plot points etc. If you have an idea or or suggestions please feel free to PM me. [b]Approved Characters[/b] [hider=Olaf Grubisaki - Security Guard] [b]Name:[/b] Olaf Grubisaki [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Occupation:[/b] Security guard. [b]Personality:[/b] Pretty much outgoing if he feels like he's in the right company and quite friendly if he is treated fairly too. If one does somehow treat and disrespect him. One would really recommended to get the hell out of the room he or she was within with Olaf since he will pretty much let the law talk and either preach discipline by a beating or report anything dirty he may find. [/hider] [hider=Joan Guarde] [b]Name:[/b] Joan d'Guillarde, also known under his more Americanized alias as Joan Guarde. [b]Age:[/b] 44. [b]Occupation:[/b] Joan used to be a woodsman before the war, living off of the lands in the woods. Mostly, he made money by chopping trees, hacking it into firewood and selling that. Besides that he had a license to hunt around his lands in France, which sustained him with good meat from time to time. He had to leave to America after the government bought his lands away from under him. There he was a factory worker for some time, before he became a shop owner using the money the government had paid him in France. [b]Personality:[/b] Joan d'Guillarde or Guarde is a true follower - he doesn't feel comfortable in a leading position despite being very suitable for one. That aside he's generally a cheerful happy person - despite the fact that the world around him is pretty damn dead. It's not really sure if he's just really happy, or if he's hiding his sadness. Regardless, he's a great companion. [/hider] [hider=Gordon] Name: Gordon Deaves Age: 36 Occupation: Scavenger Personality: (Are you a leader, town builder, or just a loner)[i] Backstory: Gordon can still remember fragments of his life before the war. His father and mother arguing, his fifth christmas, his grandfather, things like that. But the one memory that sticks with him from his past life is seeing the first explosion of the event that would literally rock the world as the door closed to the private bunker his parents had paid for and built. His mother always told him how she had scolded his father for being such a conspiracy nut, but it was just that kind of mentality that had saved their lives. Life inside the private vault was hard and boring. The vault wasn't very big, housing only four rooms; the living room, the storage room and two bedrooms. The small bulb that hung from the ceiling was powered by a fuel generator for the first few years or so, but was soon replaced with a hand wound generator that practically took all day to keep the bulb on for 12 hours. Gordon soon had to start pulling his weight with the generator after his 9th birthday. There was little to do within the vault, what little board games they had were soon exhausted of any fun after the first few months and there was not enough room in the least to do anything physical other than actual exercise. They had a few books, but of course you can only read 'Dune' so many times before you would actually prefer a [i]'gom jabbar' to reading it again. Gordon's father kept Gordon in good shape. He knew that one day they would have to return to the surface and to survive in such a world they'd have to be healthy. It was only until Gordon reached his teens that the vault's food supply finally ran out and they had to return to the charred wastes that used to be their home. It turns out that rats had infested the vault and eaten most of their food without them noticing until it was too late. They were reluctant, but it was either return to the waste or starve to death. Gordon's father, being the doomsday prepper that he was, had stocked up on gas masks and a surplus of air filters, it was lucky or the radiation filled air would have killed them within a short time after leaving the vault. The first few months were hard to adjust to, practically stealing from homes that they had seen populated by their friends and family just before the bombs dropped. But things changed quickly after that. They all realized that it was steal or die, and quickly adjusted to the horrors that they experienced during their travels. They soon began to encounter raiders though, and were only lucky to survive the first ambush. They had pre-war rifles that were barely working. They jammed or misfired and let the family have enough time to leap onto the two raiders and beat them within an inch of their life. It was at this point that Gordon's gun training began. It was hard for him to take to the weapon, but after a few months of firing empty rounds he eventually took to the rifle and just in time too, as another raider attack was soon upon them. This raid didn't go so well. The family's rifles jammed and their cover was sparse. Gordon managed to slide behind a wall, but his mother and father were not so lucky. They were shredded to pieces by the raiders superior weaponry. Gordon managed to escape through a window with his life, but depression soon took him. The first thing he did after his mother and father's murder was disassemble the rifle that had jammed and reassembled a newer, slower rifle from the parts among other things he had found. It may have been slower, but at least it didn't jam. He contemplated suicide many times, but could never make himself do it. The closest he ever got was taking his mask off while in the emptiness of the wasteland. He soon realized the slow death that would have taken him and putting the life saving mask back on his face. This was when the radiation took him. It was only until a month or so later when the effects took him, he began to cough up blood. He was lucky that he had contracted nothing else, but still, the blood in his coughs is a major detriment to his health and combat abilities at times. After that, he travelled the waste, living day by day in the hopes that he'd find someone who wouldn't point a rifle at his face as soon as they saw him. [/hider] [hider=Jack Lee ] Name: Jack Lee Age: 32 Occupation: Scavenger/Hunter Personality: Jack cares little for others and follows his own moral code. He often speaks his mind regardless of his thoughts lack tact or not. Although rarely agitated, he is straightforward, is annoyed by many things, and is considered to be quite rude by many. [/hider] [hider=Gregory Haydeth] Name: Gregory Haydeth Age: 32 Occupation: (Need to think about this. Some more info on the types of jobs people needed to be done in the vaults would help.) Personality: Greg thinks a lot, he isn't a quiet person but when he speaks, he knows what he's saying. He always longed for the freedom he once had. When he was 12, he had to get into this damned Vault but finally they got out and Greg now feels no one can stop him. He wants to build a healthy, honest and efficient society, breaking the bonds with the culture of the destructive ancestors of humanity. He will fight for his community, and ready to take every sacrifice for for the good of the many and civilisation. [/hider] [hider=Demetria Ress] Name: Demetria Ress Age: 23 Occupation: Demetria works as a nurse as well as a therapist. Her mother was the same, teaching Demetria the ways. She sat in countless sessions with her mother, listening to the sadistic stories of so many who now faced a life in the vault. The mental damage that many faced became so great, it became more important than their own. When Demetria turned 18, she took her mother's place. Personality: often times serious, in deep thought, and quiet, Demetria finds herself on the lonesome side of a social lane. Her developed view of people has grown to see them as stories and diagnosed problems rather than just people, and this includes herself. She can become easily flustered when taking orders or not being in control, a self independent issue that sometimes causes a work problem. Besides that, she's great at what she does. Backstory: Demetria was only about 3 when her mother escaped with her into the vault. They had been led by Demetria's father, a man who's occupation is still unknown to Demetria, her mother never revealing it. It was repeated often as Demetria grew that her father had promised healers, and they were to be those healers. Her childhood is just slur of people crying and hitting things, blood, coughing. She felt out of herself, outside of a world, watching from the side lines. As a teenager, her mother went mute, and stopped being able to do her work. Demetria had to take first seat and care for her mom who was slipping away more and more each day. With the small amount of people, it was known by everyone what was going on. Demetria was the crazy nurse's daughter, and it was expected for her to turn out the same. "Like mother, like daughter." Her mother died when she was 18, and as awful as she felt, it was a bit of a lift off of her as well. Her emotional displacement brushed it off, and she went on with responsibility. Now, five years later, she get's to return to an outside world she hardly remembers. She is unsure if whether her father will still be alive, but hardly cares if so. She has a job to do, people to keep healthy, and that is that. [/hider] [hider=Marcus Johnson] Name: Marcus Johnson Age: 52 Occupation: Teacher Personality: A stern but straightforward man, he has a tendency to say what is on his mind and as such can be a bit abrasive at times. Despite this, Marcus has a good, if dry and sarcastic, sense of humor, which he has used for twenty years straight as a method of coping with the loss of everything he knew. He has a tendency to attempt to take charge in many situations, but in the end is more of a philosophical kind of guy than an efficient leader. Backstory: Marcus grew up in the suburbs of southwestern Ohio, where he lived a rather normal life. From a young age, he took interest in subjects such as history, economics and law. Though he considered going into a political career, Marcus instead went to law school, and graduated near -- but not at -- the top of his class. From there, he traveled back to his home city of Cincinnati and became a practicing lawyer. Life for the next ten years or so was largely normal -- Marcus settled down, got married and fathered two children, and generally lived a fulfilling life. As one might expect, this changed rather rapidly when disaster struck: At the time, Marcus had been lecturing at a nearby university where he taught law on weekends, and as such was spared when the downtown was hit by a small nuclear weapon -- he never learned of the fate of his family, but instead was corralled into the relatively 'safe' vault, where he spent the next twenty years. While he was certainly not a teacher by profession, he was one of the closest things to it on short-notice and took on a job as one of the teachers in the vault. He kept in good shape throughout the twenty years and emerged in decent condition, while rather old compared to most of the survivors, some of whom had been born in the vault and who he had personally educated at some point or another. As the date of the vault's opening drew closer, Marcus made plans to return home and search for his missing family, on the off-chance that they might still be alive. [/hider] [hider=Lucian D'angelo] Name: Lucian D'angelo Age: 8 Occupation: Engineer's apprentice Personality: Generally cheerful and curious. Tends to get absorbed in machines to the exclusion of external and internal stimuli. Backstory: Called Luce, meaning light, by his mother who wanted more than anything to feel the light of day on her face again. Sadly, she died when he was just six, never to step out of the vault into the world she knew as a child. Lucian doesn't know who his father was as his mother never told him and thus he takes his mother's Italian surname. Due to his curiosity, Lucian finds himself skipping school and exploring the furthest reaches of the vaults from the highly populated regions to the abandoned service tunnels and elevators. This behaviour only increased with his mother's death as the lack of supervision meant that he was absent from school for weeks at a time. As a result, many of the other vault children perceive his lack of education as a lack of intelligence yet his exploration and fascination with the inner workings of the vault places him near the top of a short list of experts, those who know the vault like no one else. Security eventually caught up with him and instead of putting him back in school where he will inevitably leave again, they allowed him to shadow the Engineering department instead, acting as an apprentice of sorts. Having been in their care for almost two years, the department has long since taken him under their wing with the hopes that he will be one of their greatest with time. Luce has dreams of building his own masterpiece, a vault perfect for those seeking sanctuary with perfect garbage, food, transport, health, etc. systems and his hands on every cog behind its walls. [/hider] [b]NPC Characters [/b]