The swift sound of the small girl vanishing out of his makeshift nest broke Praxis's light sleep. He looked around on alert always worried about the many enemies he's probably made by now, and immediately noticed something was off. He hadn't been asleep for very long, but he was still too groggy to place what was peculiar in his tiny temporary home. As he wiped his eyes, he moved to get up and felt the cold metal of the silver dagger he had moved so he could lay down, and suddenly his previous adventure came rushing back to him. Eyes wide, the Wolfen jerked his head in all directions, peering through the still darkened night to search for his most recently acquired loot. [i]Dammit![/i] he cursed in his mind, snarling slightly after his search came up empty. It had to be Aruna... that girl, right? Nothing else was taken. Clearly, there [i]was[/i] something special about the red garment, and Praxis was not willing to let it get away from him. Jumping to his feet, he immediately began searching for any signs of where she had went, but only found the disturbed part of the nest where she must have began her teleportation exit. That ability sure seemed useful and would probably make her hard to track, but a Wolfen's nose was a hard one to fool. Examining the spot he remembered tossing the cloak before, he inhaled swiftly a few times until he had the scent. It had been awhile since he had to track someone using his more primal abilities, but instinct never dies. Without a second thought, he leapt from through the brush that surrounded the nest to land violently below, forgetting exactly how high he was. After a chuckle a small recovery, the hunt was on. After quite some time of searching, Praxis began to question the futility of this search. With such speed, she could be anywhere by now given the energy. With a defeated sigh, the Wolfen dropped his head and began to head back, deciding his last resort would be to check his traps. Most of his traps were concentrated near the closest road, so he decided to start there. However, the closer he got, the more he picked up on the scent of his target. Morale rising, Praxis hopped up onto a higher level and began his search from above, closing in on the sweet smell of victory. As the scent got stronger, he realized it was highly concentrated in one area and there were no sounds around, suggesting she was resting somewhere nearby. Another cocky smile crossed the Wolfen's lips as he eagerly but stealthily crept along the upper levels of the branches, searching the ground below before coming across a prone Aruna, still clutching his prize to her chest, curled up in small den. From this angle, she seemed far less violent -- less volatile then she had before. Praxis hadn't ever really felt too much guilt for his theft and tricks in the past, but there was something about her connection to this cloak that almost made him want to let her keep it.... almost. The least he could do was let her live, though, for she could have easily taken his life twice over already. As the Wolfen slowly crept to the ground, he closed his eyes to gather the mana and subtly took a minor hold of her mind, reading only her alertness. As long as she stayed in a resting position, he wouldn't have to do anything rash... but that didn't mean he couldn't have a little fun with the only real competition he'd met in quite some time. Soundlessly, he crept around her resting place until he found a good place to set up a snare. Quickly and quietly he returned to one of his set snares, disarmed it and returned to where the girl slept, setting it up directly in front of the open part of the den and from a branch above. Judging by her height, Aruna's trapped position would put her and Praxis's height at about the same level, he guessed. He knew this was a lot of trouble to go through just to steal from someone, but Praxis wasn't a fan of getting things taken back after he had claimed ownership over them. Taking a seat in front of the open side of the den, he remembered the fruit he had cut earlier when he had originally encountered the girl.Taking one of the slices out, he sank his teeth into it with an intentionally loud crunch. Wiping the dripping juices from his chin, he looked in Aruna's direction, speaking with food still between his teeth. "Sup."