Aldric had continued scanning the ship for a few moments until his gaze met a pair of bright green eyes beneath a hood. For a moment, he considered approaching the stranger, until the ship dipped in the waves, sending her toppling to the ground. As her hood fell, the young man was a bit taken aback. The person before him had features like a cat. He had never seen anyone like her, that was for sure. He looked on with a puzzled gaze for a few moments before overcoming his shock. Cat or no, there was no sense in ignoring common courtesy. Aldric approached the Neko and outstretched a hand. "Need some help there?" Aldric gave a slight chuckle as he extended his hand. It seemed whatever she was, she didn't have her sea legs. Only a moment after that thought crossed his mind, help felt the Jubilance lurch underneath him, forcing him to brace himself to maintain balance. It seemed they'd arrived in Pomria at last. As he reached out, he noticed a boyish-looking young man approaching from the side, seemingly coming to offer help to their fallen compatriot as well. Aldric glanced towards him for a moment as the ship came creaking to a stop. He looked over the man. Patchwork clothing and what seemed to be a doctor's bag weren't usually the tell-tale signs of a great adventurer, but first impressions weren't always correct. "Hi there, I'm Aldric." He smiled. "Oh, and to you, too." He nodded towards Bast.