Solitary Watcher was not overly surprised by the nervous reaction of the Buccaneer. Considering how many players tried to kill him simply because of his reputation as the hardest to kill level one. He wasn't going to state the obvious by saying that the kid had no reason to worry, that simply would be a waste of both of their time. [quote=Stuffed Rabbit]"Well..." She paused for a moment then held her thumb up, "We're the first guild to find you." [/quote] Solitary Watcher blinked disbelievingly. Did she really say that? He had a hard time resisting laughing. The fact that her response was said so confidently was the thing that nearly got him howling with laughter. He instead maintained the focus to make a simple statement. "Not really." His statement was blunt, but it was truthful. He had been asked to join a few guilds before all the changes happened. He refused for the same reasons every time: he just wasn't ready. He didn't want to make the same excuse this time. [quote=Stuffed Rabbit]"I think you have great potential and we need all the potential we can get. I have a nose for this sort of thing." She raised her finger to her nose to emphasize this point, "We'll call it Kingly intuition."[/quote] Watcher smiled at that. That was a more solid reason even if still goofy. He shifted his feet around and looked at the ground. "I'll consider it." He definitely didn't want to give a negative response, but he still wanted to look at his options. He thought about the reputation of the previous Kings and that alone was plenty to make him hesitate, but this Red King certainly was different from the last. Suddenly, a new person came this this little parade. A colorful entrance as well, rainbows and all. She seemed to know the Buccaneer and grabbed him stating how they had an appointment with the Green King. He then looked over to Stuffed Rabbit. Now they were alone, what was going to happen next? That question was answered quite handily by a private call. [quote=Stuffed Rabbit]She turned to look at Watcher and sighed, “Sorry, we’ll have to pick this up again later. Green City’s under siege and it’ll be a massacre unless someone helps.”[/quote] With that she quickly dashed away. Watcher could barely keep up with her movements. Now he was alone he knew what he was going to do next. He wanted to see exactly what was going to happen next with this war. Taking Green City was a smart decision for the Strykers. The Fanged Rangers were considered the weakest of all the guilds. He used his grappling hook to scale the building he had leaned against and began to run to the Green City leaping from one building to the next. He arrived at the city and witnessed the mayhem of a full scale PvP raid. He saw Stuffed Rabbit hoping out of a helicopter just before it exploded. Watcher was still a good distance outside of the battle, but he felt comfortable setting up here. The tower he stood on had a great vantage point, but then again he knew that if he got caught up here escaping would be nearly impossible. He used his grappling hook to get to the base of the tower. He then entered a building neighboring it and began to set up to snipe. He placed a mine at the entrance to the building and then put another at the entrance to the room he chose. When the third one became available he'd save it for when he was escaping. He pulled up a bit of furniture to set up a platform to get prone and opened the window. He toggled his active camouflage and set up his sniper to watch the battle happen. He saw several guilds were there and it seemed that all the non-Strykers/Sweepers were fighting only Strykers and their Sweeper allies. He had been tempted to walk around the outskirts of the battlefield while his active camo was up, but he didn't want to risk being seen easily and if he had to he wanted to be in a position where he could defend himself.